WML, XML and C# Programming MCQ questions and answers

WML, XML and C# Programming MCQ questions and answers for the students who are preparing for IT competitive and Academic Exams

WML, XML and C# Programming MCQ questions and answers


Welcome to the world of programming MCQs! This comprehensive compilation presents multiple-choice questions covering WML, XML, and C# Programming.

If you’re a beginner keen on learning or an experienced individual programmer looking to test your knowledge, these MCQs are designed to challenge and sharpen your programming abilities. Let’s dive in and explore the world.

Main Features of WML (Wireless Markup Language):

  1. Mobile Device Compatibility: WML is specifically designed for creating content for mobile devices, making it compatible with a wide range of mobile platforms.
  2. Lightweight and Efficient: WML is lightweight, which helps reduce the data transmission overhead and ensures faster loading times on mobile devices with limited resources.
  3. Card-Based Structure: WML uses a card-based structure, where each card represents a unit of information, simplifying content display on small mobile screens.
  4. User Input Handling: WML supports input elements, enabling mobile users to interact with the content and enter data through forms.
  5. Adaptation to Screen Size: Content created with WML can adjust automatically to different screen sizes and resolutions, ensuring a consistent user experience across all devices.

Differences between XML and HTML:

1. Purpose:

    • XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is primarily designed to store and transport data, providing a structured representation of information.
    • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is designed to define the structure and layout of web documents, enabling the creation of web pages with text, images, and multimedia elements.

2. Tags and Elements:

    • XML allows users to create custom tags, providing flexibility in defining data elements.
    • HTML has predefined tags that define the structure and appearance of web content, with specific elements like headings, paragraphs, tables, and images.

3. Data Representation:

    • XML focuses on data representation and exchange, making it suitable for applications requiring structured data without predefined display characteristics.
    • HTML focuses on content presentation, using tags to define web pages’ visual appearance and layout.

4. Validation:

    • XML documents can be validated against XML schemas or Document Type Definitions (DTDs) to ensure adherence to specified rules.
    • HTML does not have a validation mechanism, as it relies on predefined tags and attributes.

Critical Concepts in C# Programming:

  1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): C# is an object-oriented language that uses classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation to organize and structure code.
  2. Common Language Infrastructure (CLI): C# is part of the Common Language Infrastructure, allowing it to be executed on different platforms through the .NET Framework.
  3. Memory Management: C# uses automatic memory management through the .NET Garbage Collector, which releases unused memory and enhances application performance.
  4. Exception Handling: C# provides robust exception-handling mechanisms to manage runtime errors and maintain the application’s stability.
  5. Delegates and Events: C# supports delegates, enabling the implementation of event handling and callbacks in applications.
  6. Asynchronous Programming: C# includes features like async and await, allowing developers to write asynchronous code to handle I/O operations efficiently.
  7. LINQ (Language-Integrated Query): C# supports LINQ, which provides a powerful way to query and manipulate data from different data sources.
  8. Generics: C# offers generic types and methods, enabling code reusability and increased type safety.

Mastering these critical concepts is essential for developers to build robust, efficient, and scalable applications using C#.

WML, XML, and C# Programming MCQs

1) ___ ensure that element names do not conflict and clarify who defined which term.
a) Tags
b) Library
c) Namespaces
d) None of these

Answer: (C)

2) API stands for
a) Application Protocol Interface
b) Application Programming Interface
c) Application Programming Internet
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

3) The mechanisms of data binding and ___ can be used to arrange XML data into a visual presentation and to add interactivity.
a) Style shells
b) Dictionary
c) Library
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

4) DHTML stands for
a) Dynamic HTML
b) Digital HTML
c) Defined HTML
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

5) XML DSO Stand for.
a) XML Data Source object
b) XML Data System Object
c) XML Dictionary Sow tee object
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

6) What is XSL
a) Extendable Sow tee language
b) Extensible stylishness Language
c) Extensible sow tee Language
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

7) XSL uses XML as its ___, I ruing XML authors from having, to learn another markup language.
a) Syntax
b) Tags
c) Operation
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

8) XML Tags have cared ___
a) Intensifies
b) Sensitive
c) Ignorable
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

9) Attribute values must always be ___
a) Faced
b) Quoted
c) Defined
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

10) ___ Prefixes are only for ___bookkeeping. What matters is due to the ___name space ___
a) Namespace, intra-document, Corresponding, URI
b) Attribute, page, related, codes
c) Data, normal, format, Tags
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

11) URI Stand for ___
a) Universal Resource identifier
b) Universal Relative Interface
c) Unified Resource Identifier
d) None of the above

Answer: (A)

12) What URN Stands for ___
a) Universal Relative Number
b) Uniform Resource Number
c) Universal Resource Number
d) None of the above

Answer: (B)

13) URL Stands for ___
a) Universal Resource Locator
b) Uniform Resource Locator
c) Unified Resource Locator
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

14) The ___ defines the elements that can appear within the document and the attribute associated with an element.
a) Element
b) Schema
c) Identifier
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

15) DCD Stands for ___
a) Documents content Description
b) Defined Comment Dictionary
c) Defined Coded Description
d) None of the above

Answer: (A)

16) The most important innovation for content models in XML schema is that content models are “open” by default.
a) True
b) False

Answer: (A)

17) The Mini occurs, and ___ attributes specify how often an element can appear within another element.
a) Maxoccurs
b) Timeoccures
c) Argociars
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

18) ___ are more limited in some ways than elements
a) Items
b) Properties
c) Attributes
d) None of these

Answer: (C)

19) The Schema has a namespace URI of http://electrocommerce.org/stuff.xml and a prefix of ___
a) Namespace
b) abcde
c) Attribute
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

20) An XSL transformation results in the creation of a new XML.
a) Documents
b) Tree
c) Fill
d) None of these

Answer: (B)

21) The collection of elements of a certain type can be determined using the ___ operators.
a) Path
b) Comment
c) Tags
d) None of these

Answer: (A)

22) The collection returns due to elements that are ___ of the current concept, regardless of the tag name.
a) Children
b) Sub elements
c) Directory
d) None of the above

Answer: (A)

23) WML text contains ___ or named character entities that specify specific characters in the document character set.
a) Text
b) Value
c) Numeric
d) None

Answer: (C)

24) ___ is the line-breaking tag in WML, which is the same as that in HTML.
a) <br>
b) </br>
c) <pre>
d) None

Answer: (B)

25) ___ images can support two colors: black and white.

Answer: (D)

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