What Is The Easiest Way To Immigrate To Canada?

Among the quick, low-cost ways Nigerians immigrate to Canada is with a job offer and a work permit. However, this article will discuss the other four interesting, quick, and cheap ways anyone can immigrate to Canada today.

What Is The Easiest Way To Immigrate To Canada


4 Best Ways Anyone Can Immigrate To Canada Today

You wouldn’t need to rack your brain for too long on how to migrate to Canada. You can immigrate to Canada through a visitor visa, study permit, caregiver program, or spousal sponsor.

Since the migrant job rate is currently rising in Canada, this is an ‘easy-peasy’ experience from many Nigerians’ stories of how they immigrated to Canada.

1. Visitor Visa

Provided the only way you can come to Canada is with a job offer and a work permit, the easiest way to immigrate to Canada is to obtain a visitor visa, if you need one, and intend to look for a job while you are here. However, you cannot work in Canada with your visitor visa.

But you can reach out to potential employers about future work. You should understand that you will need another reason to visit Canada, as it is uncertain that a border officer will be ready to let you into the country the moment you mention you are entering Canada to look for work.

But you don’t need to lie, because lying can block your chances of being allowed in. You should rather plan an actual holiday to Canada in order to see this beautiful country and, while here, see how you can make a few connections. Then, when you return to your country, you can start processing for the work permit.

2. Canada Study Permit

If you or your parents can afford the cost, there is no faster way to immigrate to Canada than through studying at a Canadian university or college. Find cheap Canadian universities where you can study.

Canada provides numerous programs, and there are few Canadian universities considered among the best in the world. Colleges offering more practical education are another option.

The best part of it is that the Canadian provinces provide permanent residence streams for graduates of post-secondary institutions. This is among the eight important benefits of studying in Canada today.

But ensure to research the Provincial Nominee Program for your university’s province so as to see what it takes to get permanent residence when you are choosing your university.

It involves getting a job offer after graduation and a commitment to stay in the province at the very least. Therefore, you need to learn interesting tips on how to get a job in Canada.

It is also important for you not to forget that whatever work you do as a student will not count towards any work experience in the immigration streams; therefore, keep that in mind if you obtain a student work permit to support yourself. See how to Work and Study in Canada as a Nigerian Immigrant

3. Live-In Caregiver (Program Currently Reopened)

The quickest and cheap career-specific route into Canada for any person who isn’t a “skilled worker” is the live-in caregiver program.

With only a high school education, a job offer, and either six months of training or one year of caregiver experience, you could obtain a work permit.

How much will it cost to immigrate to Canada from Nigeria?
Cost of applying for immigration to Canada through Express Entry and the PNP Generally speaking, as an individual applicant, you would need approximately $15,500 CAD to immigrate to Canada. Couples would need around $21,000 CAD, while families with children would require between $25,000 and $30,000 CAD.

Can I move to Canada without a job?
The best option for those seeking to immigrate to Canada without a job offer is to apply for Express Entry. However, obtaining a valid Canadian job offer significantly increases your chances of being invited to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

Can I pay someone to sponsor me?
You don’t have to be a relative to be someone’s financial sponsor. So, a friend can become a financial sponsor. However, the person must still have someone else who acts as the sponsor for their visa or green card application. That sponsor must be an employee, relative, or fiancé(e).

You are welcome to speed up your desire to upgrade your career and get a better living by putting all these points to work. Pass your comment below so we can know how to better help you.

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