System Software MCQ with Answers for IT courses like MCA, BCA

System Software MCQ with Answers for IT courses like MCA, BCA and Competitive and academic examinations of various Institutes.

System Software MCQ with Answers for IT courses like MCA, BCA

 System Software MCQ with Answers

Here’s a set of MCQs to assess your grasp of System Software of IT courses like MCA and BCA:

1. ___ translates mnemonic instructions into machine code.
Ans. Assembler

2. Maximum memory available on a SIC/XE system is ___.
Ans. 1 megabytes

3. In ___ addressing Mode, operand address goes as it is.
Ans. Direct

4. 8086 CPU has ___ bit data bus and ___ bit address bus.
Ans. 16-bit data, 20-bit address

5. 8086 microprocessor consists of ___ transistors.
Ans. 2900

6. The prefetched instruction bytes are stored in a first in the first out group of registers called an___
Ans. Instruction queue

7. ___ register shows changes produced by the execution of an instruction.
Ans. Flag

8. ___ are the time-multiplexed address and data lines.
Ans. AD0-AD15

9. ___ Instructions transfer data among variables.
Ans. Data Transfer

10. 8086instructions may be categorized as ___ and ___.
Ans. Sequential control flows instructions and control transfer instructions.

11. In ___ addressing mode, the data is stored in a register and it is referred to using the particular register.
Ans. Register

12. In ___ addressing modes, immediate data is a part of instruction and appears in the form of successive byte or bytes.
Ans. Immediate

13. The interrupt generated by a program is called ___.
Ans. Software Interrupt

14. In 8086 ___ instruction generates a software interrupt.
Ans. int

15. Software which bridges a specification or execution gap is called ___.
Ans. Language Processor

16. A ___ bridges the execution gap to the machine language of a computer system.
Ans. Language Translator

17. CPU uses ___ to note the address of the next instruction to be executed.
Ans. Instruction Pointer

18. ___ And ___ are the two popular models for program execution.
Ans. Translation and Interpretation

19. Analysis of Source Program (SP) + Synthesis of Target Program (TP) is called ___.
Ans. Language Processing

20. A ___ of a program entity is a reference to the entity which precedes its definition in the program.
Ans. Forward reference

21. A grammar in which no productions contain two or more consecutive NTs in any RHS alternatives called ___
Ans. Operator grammar

22. Association of an attribute of a program entity with a value is called ___.
Ans. Binding

23. A binding performed before the execution of a program begins is called ___.
Ans. Static binding

24. Language processor development tools (LPDTs) focuses on the generation of the ___ phase of language processors.
Ans. Analysis

25. Two LPDTs widely used in practice are ___ and ___.
Ans. LEX and YACC

26. A System Software which accepts assembly language program as input and produces its equivalent machine language program as output is called ___.
Ans. Assembler

27. The most important table which contains information concerning all identifiers used in the Source Program is ___
Ans. Symbol table

28. The ___ performs memory allocation and code generation
Ans. Back end

29. The lexical and syntactic features of a programming language are specified by its ___.
Ans. Grammar

30. A rule of the grammar also called a rewriting rule is ___.
Ans. Production

31. A unit of specification of program generation through expansion is called ___.
Ans. Macro

32. The System Software which places the object code into the main memory during execution is called ___.
Ans. Loader

33. The instructions present in the source program used to instruct the assembler to perform certain actions during the translation of a program are called ___.
Ans. Assembler directives

34. The assembler directive simply equates a symbolic name to a numeric value is called ___.
Ans. EQU

35. A reference of a label, which is defined later in the program is called ___.
Ans. Forward Reference

36. Each reading of a program can be called as a ___.
Ans. Pass

37. A data structure used for maintaining the details (attributes) about the instructions of the instruction set of any machine is called ___.
Ans. Mnemonic Table

38. The table maintains the details of the Pseudo instructions or assembler directive is called ___.
Ans. Pseudo Instruction Table

39. The assembler that does not write object program out and does not need a loader is called___.
Ans. Load and Go Assembler

40. The phase which scans the assembly language program completely and analyses the same can be also called as ___.
Ans. Analysis phase

41. The assembler uses the ___, ___ for the pass1.
Ans. Location counter, mnemonics table

42. The use of the macro name with a set of actual parameters is replaced by some code generated by its body is called ___.
Ans. Macro expansion

43. A macro definition is enclosed between a ___ statement and a ___ statement.
Ans. Macro header and Macro end.

44. A preprocessor statement can alter the flow of control during expansion such that some model statements are never visited during expansion is called ___.
Ans. Conditional expansion

45. The flow of control during macro expansion is implemented using ___.
Ans. Macro expansion Counter

46. Expansion of nested macro calls follows ___ rule.
Ans. Last-in-first-out (LIFO)

47. Variables which can only be used during the expansion of macro calls are called ___.
Ans. Expansion time variables (EV’s)

48. A model statement is visited only under specific conditions during the expansion of a macro is ensured by ___ and ___ statements.
Ans. AIF, AGO statements

49. The generation of instructions tailored to the requirements of a specific usage is called ___.
Ans. Semantic Expansion

50. A data structure, which maintains the names and addresses (pointers) where the macro definition is available is called ___.
Ans. Macro Name Table

51. The process of bringing the object program into the memory for execution is called ___.
Ans. Loading

52. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader executed, which is called ___.
Ans. Bootstrap Loader

53. The first program loaded by Bootstrap to be run by ___
Ans. An Operating System

54. Loaders that allow for program relocation are called ___.
Ans. Relocating Loader

55. Each part of the object code that must be changed when the program is relocated is described in ___.
Ans. Modification record

56. In the case of Relocation bits, the bits corresponding to unused words are set to ___.
Ans. Zero

57. Capability that eliminates some of the need for the loader to perform program relocation is called ___.
Ans. Hardware relocation

58. Some common alternatives for organizing the loading functions are ___.
Ans. Relocation and linking

59. Loaders which perform all linking and relocation at load time are called ___.
Ans. Linking loaders

60. ___ perform linking prior to load time.
Ans. Linkage editor

61. Linking in which the linking function is performed at execution time is called ___.
Ans. Dynamic linking

62. A loader which loads OS and prepares it for execution is called ___.
Ans. Bootstrap loader

63. The functions or variables that are present in the module represented by the object, and which should be available for use by other modules are called ___.
Ans. Defined or exported symbols

64. The functions or variables that are called or referenced by this object, but not internally defined are called ___.
Ans. Undefined or imported symbols

65. The linker processes a set of object modules to produce a ready to execute program form called ___.
Ans. Binary program

66. The process of modifying the addresses used in the address sensitive instructions of a program such that the program can execute correctly from the designated area of memory is called ___.
Ans. Program relocation

67. A symbol pub_symb defined in a program unit which may be referenced in other program units is called ___.
Ans. Public definition

68. A reference to a symbol ext_symb which is not defined in the program unit containing the reference is called ___.
Ans. External reference

69. The process of binding an external reference to the correct link-time address is called ___.
Ans. Linking

70. The relocation requirements of a program are influenced by ___ of the computer system on which it is to execute.
Ans. Addressing structure

71. For linking, both ___ and ___ of the external symbol must be computed by the linker.
Ans. Segment base address and offset

72. Part of a program which has the same load origin as some other part of the program is called ___.
Ans. Overlays

73. Code to perform the relocation of an address sensitive instructions exists as a part of the program is called ___.
Ans. Relocating logic

74. Program which can be processed to relocate it to a desired area of memory is called ___.
Ans. Relocatable programs

75. Program which can perform the relocation of its own address sensitive instructions is called ___.
Ans. Self-relocating program

Web Technology MCQ Questions and answers for IT Courses


This is just a sample set, you may explore system software textbooks or online resources like, for more in-depth learning and a wider range of practice questions. By mastering these concepts, you’ll gain a strong foundation for your IT studies in MCA or BCA.

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