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Short Speech for students on various topics for school students in English. For our school-going children (Nursery, KG) and students in grades . 1–12, we have given different types of short speeches in this blog article.
Short Speech in English for students on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Good morning to all.
My name is …… and I read in the class…. As we have gathered here on this great occasion, I want to say something in my own words in front of this big crowd about the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
I especially chose this topic because of the increasing need for cleanliness all around India, which can only be done with the support of every citizen of the country.
The great person of India, Mahatma Gandhi, said that “sanitation is more important than independence.”. India is still a developing country because of poverty, lack of education, lack of cleanliness, and other social issues.
We need to eliminate all the bad reasons in society that cause obstructions to the growth and development of our country.
And I think that cleanliness drives are the best way to eliminate social issues from society as well as promote the growth of the country with its citizen’s individual growth.
Only the success of the cleanliness campaign may bring a huge positive change to India. It belongs to the internal and external growth and development of everyone living in India, which shows us the completeness of the slogan “Clean, Happy, and Healthy Citizens impart a Healthy and Developed Nation”.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, or Clean India Campaign, was started by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, in 2014 on the Gandhi Jayanti (145th birthday anniversary), 2nd of October.
According to this campaign, every Indian citizen has been requested to devote 100 hours annually to cleanliness in India.
There is a norm to make separate toilets for boys and girls in each and every school and college all over India for safety and hygiene by August 15, 2015.
As a student and, most importantly, an Indian citizen, I too request all the people gathered here to participate in this mission to complete it by 2019.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
Swachh Bharat, Shashakt Bharat.
Student speech in English, Short Speech on Women Empowerment
Good morning to all.
My name is …… and I read in the class…. As we have gathered here to celebrate this great occasion, I would like to convey an important message of women’s empowerment in India to all of you through my speech.
The aim of the Women’s Development Project in India is to bring social and economic betterment to women all around the country. The core mechanism of this programme was promoting women’s self-help groups to make women’s empowerment effective.
To really bring women empowerment, there should be changes in women’s mobility, social interaction, labour patterns, control over decision-making, and access to and control over various resources.
Women need to become more mobile and start interacting with a range of officials. According to the statistics, it has been seen that most of the women started traveling longer distances, interacting with the staff of banks, development organizations, NGOs, etc.
There should be changes in labor patterns, which means if a woman needs to attend meetings, a husband should look after the children and feed themselves. Husbands are given some tasks of the daily routine at home and in society.
They should properly help a woman during her sickness in the same way she cares for them. Such activities may not have high-level effects on women’s empowerment; however, men may learn not to dominate over women.
In this way, women may adopt new productive roles in their lives, which may bring about a huge change.
In many regions of the country where the male-headed household system is followed, men are still managing all the financial activities, even after being involved with women in income-generating activities, so that men can take advantage of a loan.
It has been found that the workload of most of the women has increased, and their husbands have taken the loan in their own names. Women need to have access to and control over all the resources in their family and society.
She needs to be involved in intra-household decision-making, which may bring a slight improvement in women’s condition in male-headed households. In India, it is very tough to bring about changes for women in traditional societies. It can be changed, but it takes some time and regular effort.
Thank You
Short Speech in English for students on Education
Good morning to the Excellencies, distinguished guests, my respected teachers, and my dear friends.
The topic of my speech is education. Through my speech, I will let you know all about the value of education and its contribution to our lives.
Education is the tool that helps us remove all our doubts and fears about all the challenges and happiness in our lives. It is the tool that keeps us happy and peaceful as well as makes us better socialized human beings.
Our teachers are like God for us, who help us all get a quality education from the institutions. They try their best to make us learn everything and shape us for future challenges.
Our teacher comes into our lives, removes all the darkness, removes all the fears, removes all the doubts, and helps us find a beautiful career in this big world.
Education is not about gaining only knowledge; however, it means learning the ways to be happy, the ways to keep others happy, the ways to live in society, the ways to tackle challenges, the ways to help others, the ways to care for older people, and the ways to behave toward others.
My dear friends, education is like a healthy food that nourishes us both internally and externally. It makes us strong internally and gives us lots of confidence by enhancing our personalities and giving us knowledge.
Good education is the only way to remove bad habits, poverty, inequality, gender discrimination, and so many other social issues. Thank you.
Short Speech for students on Adult Education
Good morning to the excellencies, respected principal sir, teachers, and my dear friends.
My good name is…, and I study in class…. As we have gathered here in order to celebrate this occasion, I would like to raise the topic of adult education in India through my speech on adult education.
Lack of proper education in Indian society (especially adult education) is the reason for almost all the social evils in our country.
People have been habitually illiterate and spend their whole day earning two meals at low cost and hard work. They only know that life is that’s all; however, they never know that being illiterate is like a sin, especially when they get the chance to study but deny it.
Illiteracy is the root of all the causes hindering the progress of the country.
Knowledge brings everyone into the light, whereas illiteracy takes people into darkness. People’s ignorance towards education and their illiteracy level become the reason for all their suffering.
It is very necessary for the adults of the country to be educated in order to shape the future of the country as well as that of their next generations. They could not be educated earlier because of the lack of sources for education; however, now they have the golden opportunity of educational resources, so they must study. Adult illiteracy in society has been a serious threat.
Because of illiteracy, they easily get involved in bad works to earn money for their living. There is a need to understand the strength of the problem and attract adult people towards education by offering them jobs and food.
There are many ways to attract them towards learning and enable them to make a better career. They should be given the facility of part-time education, vocational education, modern libraries in villages having collections of educational and informative books, etc.
Thank you
Short Speech for students on Environment
Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speak on the environment to increase awareness among the public about the negatively changing environment.
An environment is the natural environment that covers and protects us from natural disasters. However, our healthy and natural environment is getting worse day by day and taking the form of a demon, affecting everything from non-living to living beings.
What we know is that there are two types of environments: the natural environment and the built environment. The natural environment is one that exists naturally, and the one for which man is responsible, such as cities, etc., is called the built environment.
There are many natural and unnatural factors polluting the whole natural atmosphere.
Some of the natural factors, like volcanoes, floods, etc., are the reasons for the declining environment.
However, man-made reasons are more rampantly caused by the reckless and caustic nature of human nature, which is highly responsible for environmental pollution. Self-centered human activities are highly responsible for the destruction of the environment.
Other environmental threats like forest degradation, global warming, pollution, etc. are the reasons for environmental degradation.
Our natural environment has been hugely changed in the last few decades and has taken the form of a big and powerful demon affecting the lives of people every single moment.
Nature has made everything run in balance with the natural cycle; however, many factors cause environmental corrosion. Factors like population growth and economic advancement are considered the major factors that give rise to many other secondary factors.
We must understand the importance of ecological balance and try our best to run it naturally in order to prevent the effects of environmental disasters and promote the existence of a healthy environment.
We should promote a clean and green environment for the common public in our surroundings to prove the meaning of a proverb like “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment”. Thank You
Short Speech for student on Child Labour
Good morning to the Excellencies, Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors, and dear friends.
My name is … I study in class … I would like to speak on child labour on this occasion because it is one of the big issues interfering with the growth and development of our country.
I would like to say a big thank you to my class teacher for giving me such a great opportunity for the speech here on this topic.
My dear friends, child labour is a global issue; it is not the issue of our country alone, so it needs a global effort to get removed from society. It has affected countries worldwide, especially developing countries, to a great extent.
Children are involved in various types of labour at low payment; bonded child labour is one of them. It is a very old system in India in which children are forced, or partly forced by the owner, to perform their job for a long time.
In this system, the child or his or her parents have to agree to an agreement (oral or written) with the creditor. It emerged in India during the colonial period to get reliable and cheap labor on a loan or land-lease basis.
The legislation was passed in 1977 in order to prohibit bonded child labour in India. However, some pieces of evidence have been found proving the continuation of bonded child labour in the country.
Child labour is a serious issue in society in terms of economic welfare because children involved in labour at a young age cannot get the necessary education. They drop the opportunity to be a well-developed (physically, mentally, intellectually, socially, psychologically, and financially) citizen of the nation.
Their physical and mental condition decreases day by day, which makes them more vulnerable to various diseases. They remain illiterate lifelong, which limits their ability to contribute to the well-being of their own country.
There is a need to make industrialists and businessmen well aware of all the adverse effects of child labor on the country’s development.
Everyone must understand that education is the only tool to improve necessary skills among children, which will help in increasing their own and the nation’s productivity through secured, higher-skilled jobs in the future.
It needs some effective and positive steps to be taken by all Indian citizens, especially the well-educated youths of the country, to remove this social issue.
Thank You, Jai Hind
Speech on many occasions for primary, High school students in English
Short Speeches for students on Cleanliness
[Good morning to the Principal mam, sir, madam and my dear friends] I … studying in class … the standard would like to speak about cleanliness.
I am very grateful to my class teacher that she has given me such a great opportunity to recite a speech on cleanliness at this event. My dear friends, we are all good people; no one is bad.
Then why are we making our future bad and diseased by spreading dirty things and waste everywhere?
Our country is our home; we should not make it dirty. We get respect as Indians abroad, so our country is our identity on this planet. It is our responsibility to keep it clean and bright so that it can earn more respect worldwide.
If we keep our homes clean, then why not our schools, colleges, roads, offices, tourist places, stations, etc. all throughout the country? We only remember that we have to clean a place where we live, which means a home.
But why do we not remember that our country is our main home? Our home is our identity within the country; however, our country is our identity outside the country, which means abroad. If we are responsible citizens of it, then we have to make it clean, and no one else will.
In order to get respect from others, we first have to respect our property and keep it clean.
We keep our homes and religious places clean and do not wear shoes or slippers inside so that they can be clean. But, on the other hand, we follow wrong practices and spit out on the roads, corners of office buildings, etc.
We throw waste on the roads or corners of the colony; what is this? I am asking what this is. I am not saying that I am only good or that I am never involved in such activities. I am just saying how long we will be unconscious and involved in such types of unconscious activities.
When the day comes, we will be much more conscious at every moment so that such bad activities cannot happen. If we are not trying to keep our country clean, then how will we protect tourists from other countries from making it dirty?
I think none of the days are better than today. Today is the day when we should promise ourselves and our mother country that we will keep it clean forever and never make it dirty in the future. Just think about how bright our homes and whole country look at Diwali. What will happen if it looks at it daily?
If cleanliness only at Diwali can give us confidence, power, and positive energy for the whole year, then again, think about how we cannot get power, confidence, positive energy, a healthy life, a healthy environment, and the positive attitude of other countries worldwide forever. Thank You.
Student speech in English on Global Warming
Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends.
Nowadays, every one of us is well aware of the threat of climate change. It is a serious issue that is increasing continuously because of global warming.
It is a big issue for our future generations to face all the challenges of these irreversible catastrophes in the environment. Global warming is the regular increase in the atmospheric temperature of the earth.
Earlier, the rate of rise in temperature was slow; however, currently, it is going at a faster rate. The main causes of global warming are greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.
Such gases get collected in the atmosphere and trap heat from all resources, like the sun, and heat created by human activities (burning fossil fuels, petroleum, deforestation, etc.). Global warming affects our planet’s atmosphere in many ways.
Because of the increasing temperature in the environment, the arctic glaciers are melting and threatening the lives of polar bears. Melting glaciers create lots of water, which increases sea levels in the low-lying areas of the South Sea Islands.
Increasing ocean temperatures create problems in the lives of plants and animals in the water, cause algae to die, and disturb the entire food chain.
In order to lessen the side effects of global warming, many laws have been made and implemented by the government of various countries, such as limiting harmful vehicle emissions, reducing emissions of chemicals causing damage to the ozone layer, reducing plant cutting, inducing tree planting, carpooling, etc.
We should change our habits positively in order to reduce waste by choosing to use reusable products instead of disposable ones. We should buy products with minimal packaging to reduce waste.
We should recycle paper, newspapers, glasses, aluminium cans, etc. If we start recycling at least half of your household waste, we can save approximately 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every year.
We should reduce the need for electric appliances such as air-condition, hair dryers, room heaters, etc.
We should make the habit of turning down lights while sleeping at night or during the day when we go outside.
We should replace our regular bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Regular use of the CFL instead of regular light bulbs would help eliminate around 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
We should try to drive less in a very smart way to reduce harmful gas emissions. We should try to walk on foot as much as possible instead of using a bike, car, or other means of transport.
We should reduce our hot water use and try to use cold water as much as possible. In this way, by reducing our electricity use, we can reduce global warming. Together with changing our own habits, we should encourage others to conserve energy by reducing light use as much as possible.
Thank You
Short Speech in English for students on Save Girl Child
Good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers, and my dear friends.
The reason for gathering here is to celebrate this special occasion. On this occasion, I would like to raise the topic of saving the girl child through my speech. I hope you all support me and let me fulfill the goal of this speech.
As we all know, the status of the girl child in our country is very low. In this modern and technological world, people have been very clever. They first go for the sex determination test before giving birth to the new member of the family.
And they generally choose the option of abortion in the case of a girl child and continue the pregnancy in the case of a boy baby. Earlier, cruel people were used to killing girl babies after their birth; nowadays, they are going for an ultrasound for sex determination and killing the girl infant in the mother’s womb.
There is the wrong culture against women in India: girls are only consumers, whereas boys are money-givers. Women in India have faced lots of violence since ancient times. However, it is very shameful to kill a girl child before birth in the mother’s womb.
Old people expect their daughters-in-law to give birth to a baby boy instead of a baby girl. New couples are under pressure from their family members and relatives to give birth to a baby boy.
In such cases, they all go for the sex determination test in early pregnancy to make their family members happy.
However, killing a girl baby in the womb is not the only issue against them. They face a lot after coming into the world in the form of dowry deaths, malnutrition, illiteracy, bride burning, sexual harassment, child abuse, a low-quality lifestyle, and so many more.
If she gives birth by mistake, she suffers a lot in the form of punishment and will kill because her brother gets full attention from her grandparents, parents, and relatives. He gets everything new, like shoes, dresses, toys, books, etc., from time to time, whereas a girl kills all her wishes.
She only learns to become happy by seeing her brother. She never gets chances to eat nutritious foods or get quality education in a nice school.
Sex determination and sex selection are still practiced by people even after being criminal offenses in India. It has been a source of huge business all over the country. The girl child has fundamental rights to equality in society, like boys.
The ever-decreasing number of girl children in the country is alarming us to do something effective to give a break to it. Women need to get a higher-quality education and be empowered so that they can fight for their rights.
They have the right to think first about their baby (whether girl or boy) in their life and nobody else. Educating them may help a lot to remove this issue from society and make the future better for girls.
Thank You,
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