Psychology test MCQ questions and answers

Preparing for an exam can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to subjects like psychology that require a deep understanding of various concepts and theories.

As you embark on your journey to ace your psychology test, one crucial element is practicing with multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to enhance your knowledge and test-taking skills. Luckily, you have stumbled upon the perfect resource!

In this article, we have curated a selection of psychology test MCQ questions and answers to help you prepare effectively. Whether you are studying for an introductory course or aiming for advanced proficiency in psychology, these MCQs will provide invaluable practice opportunities and enable you to gauge your understanding of the subject matter.


Psychology test MCQ questions and answers

1. …….. glands are distinguished from the other glands by the fact that they secrete directly into the bloodstream.
(a) Exocrine
(b) Endocrine
(c) Duct
(d) None of the above

2. The gland produces one primary hormone, thyroxin, the main constituent of
which is iodine.
(a) Parathyroid
(b) Pituitary
(c) Thyroid
(d) Adrenal

3. Psychological tests are connected with the assessment of
(a) Personality only
(b) Perception only
(c) All aspects of psychological functioning
(d )Sociability

4. The overall blueprint of the experiment is called
(a) Treatments
(b) Experimental design
(c) Experimental group
(d) None of the above

5. Who among the following was the first man to describe ‘Null Hypothesis’?
(a) Raymond Dodge
(b) Ronald Fisher
(c) Herman Ebbinghaus
(d) None of the above

6. Which among the following fields of psychology focuses on the interaction between the physical world and human behaviour?
(a) Educational psychology
(b) Abnormal psychology
(c) Environmental psychology
(d) All of the above

7. ……… theory is that “much of man’s behaviour is determined by innate instincts that are largely unconscious”.
(a) Skinner’s
(b) Watson’s
(c) Freud’s
(d) None of the above

8. The technique to study the subject’s brain wave, heart rate and blood pressure is called
(a) Relaxation Training
(b) Biofeedback
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

9. A ‘developmental psychologist’ is concerned with
(a) Learning and Teaching
(b) Human growth and the factors that shape human behaviour from birth to old age
(c) Work with students in high schools or universities giving advice
(d) None of the above

10. According to whom “Clinical Psychology is now the largest field of specialisation”?
(a) Cates and Lockman
(b) Morgan and King
(c) Adler
(d) Freud

11. Who among the following was the founder of ‘Behaviourism School of Psychology’?
(a) William James
(b) Edward Titchener
(c) John B. Watson
(d)John Dewey

12. When did Wilhelm Wundt at the University of Leipzig in Germany establish the first Psychological Laboratory?
(a) 1875
(b) 1890
(c) 1879
(d) 1877
Ans: c

13. Which of the following concepts is not based on experimental studies?
(a) Behavioural
(b) Psychoanalytic
(c) Humanistic
(d) Cognitive

14. ‘Geo-psychology’ is the branch of?
(a) Applied Psychology
(b) Pure Psychology
(c) General Psychology
(d) None of the above

15. Which of the following types of experiments have been described by Mc Guigan?
(a) Confirmatory
(b) Crucial
(c) Exploratory
(d) All of the above

16. In an experiment which of the following variable is needed to control?
(a) Independent
(b) Dependent
(c) Intervening
(d) All of the above

17.Performance tests are termed as
(a) Non-verbal tests
(b) Verbal tests
(c) Projective tests
(d) Subjective tests

18. Which one of the following areas of the brain is involved in controlling movements of the body?
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Supplementary
(d) All of the above

19. The ……… lobe processes auditory information.
(a) Occipital
(b) Parietal
(c) Temporal
(d) Frontal

20. ‘Legal Psychology’ is a branch of
(a) Pure Psychology
(b) Applied Psychology
(c) Clinical Psychology
(d) Abnormal Psychology

21. The psychological aspects of the classroom are best managed by
(a) the class teacher
(b) the principal
(c) the subject teacher
(d) the students themselves

22. Character could be distinguished from personality in the following sense
(a) Personality deals with the overall disposition of a person only
(b) Personality includes physical and social aspects whereas character stresses on the intellectual and spiritual aspects
(c) Character is a patent objective of education for the society whereas personality is popular among education.
(d) All of the above

23. The gestalt psychologists brought out clearly the importance of
(a) The functional factors in cognitive operations
(b) The functional factors in perception
(c) The structural factors in perception
(d) The interactive factors in cognition

24. Which of the following statements would be true about the attitudes of a person?
(a) They are not biogenic, although they are based on biogenic motives.
(b)They are not measurable because they are so subjective
(c) They are biogenic and receive further strength and support from the social environment
(d)They could be measured on the basis of the aptitude tests developed by psychologists

25. Psychologists are in favour of including contents of therapeutic value in the reading material to be recommended for school children. This objective could be achieved by
(a) Including lesson on the treatment of physical ailments.
(b) Dealing with doubts and problems of students which cannot be asked in the classroom directly.
(c) Simplifying the language of the books to enable students to understand what they read clearly
(d) Explaining to students the problem having faced by schools in their administration.

26. Which of the following meanings of psychology would be correct to-day as per the views of experts?
(a) It is a science of the mind
(b)It is a science of behaviour
(c) It is a science of consciousness
(d)It is a science of the soul

27. Which of the following conclusions should be correct in your opinion? An individual’s best opportunity for self-fulfilment lied.
(a) In the individual’s struggle against the environmental forces.
(b)In a state which takes complete responsibilities for individuals
(c) In a social rather than a narrowly individual context
(d)In an individual rather than a wide social context

28. The demand of the outside world, the task is best accomplished by the development of a
(a) The Id
(b) Superego
(c) A strong ego
(d) All of the above

29. The concept of motivation helps us to
(a) adopt measures to assess the achievements of individual
(b) frame rules and regulations to control educational situations
(c) take special precautions to avoid safeguarding self-interests.
(d) explain the behaviour of man or animals than can be observed.

30. Motivation theories can be divided into the push and pull theories according to some experts. The pupil theories deal with
(a) education for family planning
(b) sex education from a scientific point of view
(c) the characteristics to be about different population groups.
(d) knowledge of the problems imposed by population growth

31. Absolutism in philosophy can be interpreted as
(a) Belief in the existence of an absolute entity
(b) The possibility of gaining, insight into perfect knowledge through spirituality
(c) Absolute contraction of each philosopher that his view alone is perfectly right.
(d) An approach to educational philosophy on the basis of empirical truths alone.

32. The adjustment mechanisms in Psychology are so-called because
(a) They create favourable conditions for adjusting an individual to a new situation
(b) They suggest methods of locating the situations to which a person could be easily adjusted
(c) They protect a person’s self-esteem against frustration and anxiety by suggesting alternative methods.
(d) They are flexible and could be easily adjusted to any situation irrespective of persons involved.

33. The term ‘Functional Literacy’ regarding the education of adult means that
(a) The literacy of the adult should enable him for thoughtful reading in his social and professional life.
(b) The adults should be able to function as members of the adult franchise scheme.
(c) It should provide access to written communication without much difficulty
(d) None of the above

34. Educational Equality is a
(a) Fundamental right
(b) Only a customary right
(c) Only a legal right
(d) Only a directive principle.

35. Normal requirements of society are satisfied by
(a) Id
(b) Supper Ego
(c) Superego
(d) None of these

36. The writings which show that ‘the psycho¬analytical point of view can be used in a productive way” related to
(a) E. H. Erikson
(b) Spencer
(c) Linton
(d) Freud’s theory

37. Primary education helps
(a) Democratisation of child
(b) Socialisation of child
(c) In course understanding
(d) All of the above

38. We usually avoid remembering something that is associated with fear or unpleasantness. In tradition language, those avoidance is termed as
(a) Suppressing
(b) Repression
(c) Retrieval future
(d) Forgetting

39. Jung used the term “Collective Unconscious” to indicate
(a) The unconscious tendencies inherited by an individual from primordial racial tendencies
(b) All the factors that together constitute to strengthen an individual’s unconscious
(c)The unconscious potential of a group or mob
(d) The effects of all the unconscious urges which made a person’s behaviour problematic

40. A child in school is called a problem child when
(a) He is able to solve the problems of other children
(b) He suggests useful approaches to teachers when they are explaining any problem
(c) He behaves such that is becoming a problem for the teacher to understand him
(d) He is very resourceful in suggesting good problems for the class to workout

41. In teaching any class or subject, student’s needs and interests also have to be born in mind. Which of the following dimensions cover this aspect?
(a)The psychological dimension
(b) The evaluation dimension
(c)The philosophical dimension
(d) The methodological dimension

42. There is always confusion between personality and character. The so-called destination between them is that
(a) Personality is external and character is internal as behaviour
(b) Personality depends more on the environment while character depends on heredity
(c) Character speaks of moral behaviour while personality stands for the psychological aspect of behaviour
(d) Personality is the moral aspect of behaviour and character is the psychological aspect of behaviour.

43. Psychologists speak of ‘Social heredity’ of an individual while discussing the topic of heredity. It means
(a) Influences that have shaped the individual’s social surroundings
(b) The background and origin of the society from which the individual comes.
(c) The customs, habits and environmental effects of the hope and society from which the individual comes
(d) The natural surroundings and climate conditions of the society in which a child is reared.

44. According to Montessori
(a) equipment of schools is more important than teachers
(b) knowledge of psychology will be a luxury for teachers
(c) teachers should interfere in the pupil’s behaviours with a keen interest
(d) knowledge of experimental psychology is essential for teachers

45. Behaviourism in psychology is the outcome of the following school of thought, prevalent in education
(a) Associationism
(b) Aristotlenism
(c) Mechanical Naturalism
(d) Physical Naturalism

Child Psychology and Pedagogy Objective questions with answers (MCQ)


Participating in this psychology test MCQ questions and answers has provided valuable insights into the vast field of psychology. By answering these questions, you have tested your knowledge and understanding of various psychological concepts, theories, and approaches.

This exercise has not only enhanced your understanding of psychology but also helped you identify areas where further study or exploration may be necessary. We encourage you to share this experience with others on social media platforms, as spreading awareness about the fascinating world of psychology can contribute to a greater understanding of human behavior and mental processes.

Thank you for your participation, and we hope this test has sparked your curiosity to delve deeper into the captivating world of psychology! Dear Readers if you like our Questions and answers on Psychology and Pedagogy, please do a favour to share on social media.

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