Preposition Quiz for Class 6 | MCQ Test Preposition Quiz with Answers

Preposition Quiz for Class 6 | MCQ Test Preposition Quiz with Answers for 2025.

Preposition Quiz for Class 6 MCQ Test Preposition Quiz with Answers

Are you ready to put your preposition knowledge to the test? Whether you’re a student, teacher, or just someone looking to brush up on their grammar skills, the Preposition Quiz for Class 6 MCQ Test is here to challenge and engage your understanding of prepositions.

In this article, we will explore the importance of prepositions in language and provide an exciting quiz with multiple-choice questions that will put your preposition proficiency to the ultimate test. So buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of prepositions as we discover how well you truly know this fundamental aspect of grammar!

Imagine navigating through a sentence without knowing where objects are in relation to one another or how they interact with each other – that’s where prepositions come into play. From in to on and under to over, these tiny words hold immense power in shaping our language and communication.

Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of prepositions, uncovering their significance and challenging your knowledge with an interactive MCQ test designed for class 6 students.

Get ready for an intellectually stimulating experience that will not only test your understanding but also leave you feeling more confident in using these crucial elements of language!


Preposition Quiz for Class 6

Preposition Quiz for Class 6 | Preposition Quiz with Answers | MCQ Test

1 / 50

I am afraid .... snakes.

2 / 50

My brother play .... me every evening.

3 / 50

He went to Delhi .... train

4 / 50

He deals .... cheating people

5 / 50

A gentleman abides .... his promise

6 / 50

Alcohol acts .... the brain

7 / 50

I listened ……. what she said.

8 / 50

The frog jumped ……….. the well

9 / 50

My car is being repaired at the garage.  It will be ready . . . . . . . . .  two hours.

10 / 50

When we were in Italy, we spent of few days ……. . .  Venice.

11 / 50

The boxer was …. . .  his guard when his opponent threw a right book

12 / 50

The train arrived . . . . . . the station . . . . . . . time

13 / 50

The letter was written . . . . red ink

14 / 50

You must have trust . . . . . . . . God.

15 / 50

Do not depend. . . . . . . others

16 / 50

Be careful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what you do.

17 / 50

He comes . . . . . . a noble family

18 / 50

Her thinking leans ____ democracy.

19 / 50

He was admitted ………… the hospital.

20 / 50

Don’t worry, I will stand ……….. you if you get into trouble.

21 / 50

Quinine act a preventive ……. . Malaria

22 / 50

The farmer is working ….... his field.

23 / 50

He parted ………. all his property.

24 / 50

There were two intervals ……….. the performance.

25 / 50

All the families are sitting ……... the sofa and talking.

26 / 50

Look …...... the table. There is a magazine on the floor

27 / 50

The book is …...... the table

28 / 50

He died …...... fever

29 / 50

He got success due ___ hard work.

30 / 50

Rubina was invited her friends ___ dinner.

31 / 50

Children are fond ___ sweets.

32 / 50

He is honest ___ his dealings.

33 / 50

I am junior ___ my friend in office

34 / 50

I am interested ___ my studies.

35 / 50

The glass is full ___ Milk.

36 / 50

She is good ___ Mathematics.

37 / 50

Smoking is injurious ___ health.

38 / 50

My sister died ___ Cancer.

39 / 50

You cannot compare me ___ my brother.

40 / 50

He tried to prevent me ___ doing my duty.

41 / 50

Nitrogen gas is in abundance ___ the Earth.

42 / 50

The land was divided ___ the two sisters.

43 / 50

I request you not to interfere ___ my work.

44 / 50

Due to heavy rains, she is trembling ___ cold.

45 / 50

He takes pride ___ his wealth.

46 / 50

At this age he is tired ___ his life.

47 / 50

The sun rises ___ the east.

48 / 50

He paid the dining bill ___ a credit card.

49 / 50

I am very grateful ___ Mr Nasir for his timely help.

50 / 50

This is the book I was telling you ___

Your score is

The average score is 52%



The preposition quiz for Class 6 MCQ test has provided students with an opportunity to test their understanding of prepositions in a comprehensive manner. By engaging with this quiz, students have been able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in using prepositions effectively.

The inclusion of answers has allowed for immediate feedback, enabling students to learn from their mistakes and improve their skills. Moving forward, it is important for students to continue practicing the use of prepositions in various contexts, as this will further solidify their understanding and application of these essential linguistic elements.

Let’s continue to strive for mastery in using prepositions by consistently practicing and seeking opportunities to apply them in our writing and communication.

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