Operations Research Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Operations Research Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf for MBA BBA online and offline exams of various Institutions.

Operations Research

Operations Research Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1. The main objective of OR is to provide a ___, ___ to the decision-makers.
Ans. Scientific basis

2. OR employs a team of ___ from ___ ___.
Ans. Scientists, different disciplines

3. Mention two applications of OR.
Ans. Industry Planning

4. How can a hospital benefit from the application of OR methods?
Ans. To solve waiting for problems

5. OR ___ inter-disciplinary approach.
Ans. Imbibes

6. OR increases the effectiveness of ___ ability.
Ans. Decision making

7. OR gives a qualitative solution
Ans. True

8. One of the OR phases is the Action phase
Ans. True

9. Diagram belongs to the physical model
Ans. True

10. Allocation problems are represented by the iconic model
Ans. False

11. OR methodology consists of definition, solution and validation only.
Ans. False

12. The interaction between the OR team and Management reaches peak level in the implementation phase.
Ans. False

13. OR imbibes ___ team approach.
Ans. Inter-disciplinary

14. Linear programming is the tool of ___.
Ans. OR

15. The three phases of OR are ___.
Ans. Judgement phase, Research phase & Action phase

16. To solve any problem through the OR approach the first step is ___.
Ans. Define the problem

17. ___ represents a real-life system.
Ans. Model

18. ___ represents the controlled variables of the system
Ans. Parameters

19. Both the objective function and constraints are expressed in ___ forms.
Ans. Linear

20. LPP requires existence of ___, ___, ___ and ___.
Ans. An alternate course of action

21. Solution of decision variables can also be ____.
Ans. Fractious

22. One of the characteristics of canonical form in the objective function must be of maximisation.
Ans. True

23. 2x – 3y ≤ 10 can be written as -2x + 3y ≥-10
Ans. True

24. The collection of all feasible solutions is known as the ___ region.
Ans. Feasible

25. A linear inequality in two variables is known as a ___.
Ans. Half-plan

26. The feasible region is a convex set
Ans. True

27. The optimum value occurs the anywhere infeasible region
Ans. False

28. We add a surplus variable for “≤” of constraint.
Ans. False

29. The right-hand side element of each constraint is non-negative.
Ans. True

30. A basic solution is said to be a feasible solution if it satisfies all constraints.
Ans. True

31. If one or more values of the basic variable are zero then the solution is said to be degenerate.
Ans. True

32. The right-hand side element of each constraint is non-negative.
Ans. Yes

33. The key column is determined by Zj – Cj row.
Ans. Yes

34. Pivotal element lies on the crossing of the key column and key row.
Ans. No

35. The negative and infinite ratios are considered for determining key row.
Ans. Yes

36. The value of artificial value is “M”.
Ans. Yes

37. Artificial variables enter as basic variables.
Ans. Yes

38. Dual LPP always reduces the amount of computation.
Ans. No

39. It is possible to reverse the dual LPP to primal LPP
Ans. Yes

40. The coefficients of decision variables in the objective function become quantities on the right-hand side of ___.
Ans. Dual

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