Preparing for exams can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to subjects like object analysis and Design (OOAD). To excel in the exams, it is essential to have a strong grasp of the concepts and be well-prepared with practice OOAD MCQs.
If you find yourself looking for a comprehensive resource that provides the top 75 OOAD Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with answers, then you have come to the right place.
In this article, we will provide you with an opportunity to download a PDF containing these MCQs that will help you prepare effectively for your exams in 2025. Object Oriented Analysis and Design Multiple Choice Questions with Answers for the Preparation of MCA, BCA, BSC IT, and MSC IT Courses.
Top 75 OOAD MCQs with answers
1. We can analyze functional requirements for a system using ___ techniques, which are part of object oriented analysis.
Ans. Object modelling
2. ___ defines the relationship among classes where one class shares the structure or behaviour of another defined class.
Ans. Inheritance
3. The main advantage of ___ is that it helps to reduce complexity by allowing one interface to specify an action of general class.
Ans. Polymorphism
4. ___ supports the ability to build applications by selecting and assembling objects from libraries.
Ans. Object technology
5. ___ is a new way of analyzing software that is based on abstractions existing in the real world.
Ans. Object orientated development
6. Object-oriented software deals with ___.
Ans. Object
7. Object-oriented systems are more ___ than traditional systems because we can build new behaviours from existing objects in the object oriented system
Ans. Reliable
8. Object-oriented system is implemented to ___ the real world in a better way than traditional methods do.
Ans. Remodel
9. We consider ___as one of the underlying principles of the object-oriented system development.
Ans. Encapsulation
10. ___ is the new architecture introduced by the object management group to reuse objects among tool.
Ans. Common Object Request Broker Architecture
11. Object oriented image classification has made way for inversion techniques like___.
Ans. Synthetic aperture radar images
12. In the future work of OOAD, classes can be derived from domain requirements using ___ as the basis.
Ans. Events
13. Object oriented development offers us a different model differing from __ software development.
Ans. Traditional
14. We create ___ of functionality using object oriented development.
Ans. Modules
15. We ___ the objects because they are shaped from the real-world problem domain.
Ans. Reuse
16. The core of the unified approach is ___ use case.
Ans. Jacobson’s
17. Unified approach is a ___ for software development.
Ans. Methodology
18. We can develop applications using ___ architecture.
Ans. Layered
19. ___ means we can reuse the common properties of different classes and form a new class with it.
Ans. Generalization
20. In data-centric methodology, we first choose the ___ ___ required and then write the algorithm for the task.
Ans. Data structures
21. ___ is defined as the property of an object oriented system, which allows us to build new objects from the existing ones.
Ans. Inheritance
22. ___ means that the same operation may behave differently for different classes.
Ans. Polymorphism
23. ___ is defined as the relationship between objects and classes.
Ans. Association
24. The number of times the instances of a class can relate to a single instance is known as ___.
Ans. Cardinality
25. We use ___ to refer to each object using its unique identity.
Ans. Aggregation
26. A ___ is defined as a group of objects with the same structure and behaviour.
Ans. Class
27. We can use a ___ to implement the behaviour of an object.
Ans. Method
28. ___are known as non-specific functions.
Ans. Messages
29. A ___ tells us how to do a task and a ___ tells us what to do in the task.
Ans. Function, Message
30. The generic classes are grouped at the top as the___.
Ans. Superclasses
31. The waterfall model assumes that the requirements are well known before the ___ commences.
Ans. Requirements
32. Maintenance phase consists of all the activity after the ___ of software.
Ans. Installation
33. After the testing phase, ___ for a system is developed.
Ans. Documentation
34. The final agenda of building high-quality software is to ___ the user.
Ans. Satisfy
35. There are basically ___ ways to perform system testing by which we can actually test a system.
Ans. Two
36. Validation is always ___ in its approach.
Ans. One-Sided
37. A prototype is a ___ of a description of a software product developed.
Ans. Version
38. Component-based software development (CBD) mainly deals with building ___ software systems.
Ans. Large
39. Incremental testing is a form of ___ test model.
Ans. Iterative
40. If an object has to be reusable, more efforts are required to ___ it.
Ans. Design
41. Reusability makes the job of ___clear.
Ans. Development
42. Reusability is one of the major benefits associated with ___.
Ans. Object Oriented systems development
43. In object oriented systems, the ___ and ___ ___ are grouped together with their properties and behaviours.
Ans. Data structures, algorithms
44. An ___ is a real-world entity, comprised of data and logic used to describe the data.
Ans. Object
45. An ___ is defined as an entity used to set the properties of an object.
Ans. Attribute
46. ___ is the description of the static and dynamic relationships among the components of the pattern.
Ans. Solutions
47. The unified approach determines the combined framework of the different methodologies using ___ to explain the model and software development process documentation.
Ans. UML
48. In the ___ phase the static class diagram that represents the system is obtained.
Ans. Analysis
49. ___ layer contains all objects that signify the business, both data and activities.
Ans. Business
50. James Rumbaugh and his colleagues in 1991 developed a method called ___.
Ans. Object modelling technique
51. ___ is the phase where the core requirements of the system are determined.
Ans. Conceptualization
52. ___ defines the classes and objects and explains the relationship between the objects in the domain.
Ans. The domain model
53. Documenting the ___ gives us a suitable situation and the restriction and forces that affect the solution of a problem.
Ans. Pattern
54. ___ depict the features of a good pattern and help in creating them.
Ans. Generative
55. Dynamic model is a collection of ___or___ over a stipulated period of time.
Ans. Behaviours, procedures
56. Dynamic modelling is most useful during the ___ phases of the system development.
Ans. Implementation phase
57. Object diagrams can be considered as an instance of ___ ___.
Ans. Class diagram
58. The interaction diagram comprises ___ and ___.
Ans. Sequence diagram, collaboration diagram
59. The ___ shows a set of nodes and their relationship.
Ans. Deployment diagram
60. The ___ is used to represent the direction in which the name has to read in the binary notation.
Ans. Black triangle
61. The ___ can show only one association for an object at a time.
Ans. OR association
62. The two types of generalizations are ___ and ___.
Ans. Shared target style, separate target style
63. A use case is represented by an ___.
Ans. Ellipse
64. When you have one use case similar to another the ___ relationship comes into play.
Ans. Extends
65. The use-case concept was introduced by ___.
Ans. Ivar Jacobson
66. UML ___ diagrams can be considered an elaborate flow diagram.
Ans. Activity
67. The UML ___ diagrams have a horizontal and vertical dimension.
Ans. Sequence
68. Hierarchical nesting can be done in ___ diagrams.
Ans. State
69. ___ diagrams are used to model physical components.
Ans. Component
70. The deployment diagram consists of ___ shown by a ___.
Ans. Node, cuboid
71. One component can be connected to another component using ___.
Ans. Dashed arrows
72. The packages are represented in the form of a ___.
Ans. Folder
73. Dashed arrows in models show ___.
Ans. Dependency
74. The ___ of a package may be shown by graphic nesting of the figures or by the expansion of a package.
Ans. Ownership
75. ___ models are derived from the existing models but have specific properties pertaining to our problem domain.
Ans. Stereotype
Our Top 75 OOAD MCQs with answers pdf download for exams 2025 is a valuable resource for students preparing for their exams. These multiple-choice questions cover a wide range of topics in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, providing a comprehensive review of the subject matter.
We hope that these MCQs have helped you in your exam preparation and increased your understanding of OOAD concepts. If you found this resource helpful, we encourage you to share it on social media platforms so that other students can benefit from it as well. Together, let’s spread the knowledge and help each other succeed in our exams!