Microprocessor 8085 MCQ Questions and Answers

Microprocessor 8085 MCQ Questions and Answers for preparation of MCA, BCA and other IT examinations of various Institutions.

Microprocessor 8085 MCQ Questions and Answers

Microprocessor 8085 MCQ Questions and Answers

1) A microprocessor is the heart of the microcomputer.
a) Receiving input
b) Performing computations.
c) Storing data & instructions
d) All of the above.

2) A device, which enables a microcomputer to perform the first of the above-mentioned tasks is known as the input device.
a) Keyboard
b) Mouse
c) Toggle
d) All of the above.

3) The task of displaying the result computed by the microprocessor is performed by an output device, some of the commonly used output device.
a) Cathode Ray Tube(CRT)
b) Light-Emitting diodes(LED’S)
c) Laser printer
d) All of the above.

4) n instruction essentially consists of an
a) Operation code
b) Address of the data
c) Instruction operates
d) None of the above.

5) The 8085A has interrupt pins:-
a) TRAP, RST7.5
b) RST6.5, RST5.5
c) TNTR(pin 10)
d) All of the above.

6) 8085A has 8 unidirectional signal lines:-
a) MSB
c) RESET mode
d) None of the above.

7) Every microprocessor is provided with a set of registers :
a) Temporary storage
b) Instruction Execution
c) All of these
d) None of the above.

8) Registers available for the temporary storage of operands or address affects the following:-
a) Memory space occupied by the program.
b) Time of execution of the program.
c) Ease of programming.
d) All of the above.

9) The registers available to the user can be further classified into:-
a) General purpose register
b) Special-purpose register
c) None of these
d) All of the above.

10) In the 8085A microprocessor, the data size is 8-bit and the address size is 16-bit.
a) B-C pair
b) D-E pair
c) H-L pair
d) All of the above.

11) Set of registers provided for some special applications.
a) Accumulator
b) Memory space
c) All of the above
d) None of the above.

12) A microprocessor to execute a program, the CPU has to do the following operations:
a) Fetch the opcode
b) Read a memory location for the data.
c) Perform the required operation
d) All of the above.

13) An instruction cycle can be defined as the sum of an instruction fetch time and the instruction execution time.
a) Instruction cycle=Instruction fetch + Instruction execute.
b) Memory location and deposited in the CPU’s
c) Both of these
d) None of the above.

14) 8085 has 5 addressing mode and are:-
a) Immediate, inherent
b) Direct
c) Register and register indirect
d) All of the above.

30) The part of 8255 can be programmed for any other mode by writing a single control word into the
a) Port
b) Control Logic
c) Set/Reset
d) Register.

16) One of the following addressing modes is not possible in 8085.
a) Indexed addressing
b) Indirect addressing
c) Direct addressing
d) Indirect register address.

17) 8085 has
a) One 16-bit register
b) Two 16-bit register
c) Three 16-bit register
d) Four 16-bit register.

18) The speed of a microprocessor is usually measured by the
a) Microprocessor’s throughput.
b) Speed with which it performs I/P and O/P operations.
c) Time required to execute basic instruction.
d) Time required to process a small operation.

19) Interrupts can be generally classified :
a) Hardware interrupts
b) Software interrupts
c) Both of above
d) All of the above.

20) 8085 microprocessor has 5 hardware interrupts :
a) TRAP, RST6.5
b) RST7.5, RST5.5
d) None of the above.

21) The data which a microprocessor needs to process, comes from devices such as a keyboard.
a) Switch
b) Analog-to-digital
c) Digital-to-analog
d) All of the above.

22) The 8085 can respond to four externally initiated operation.
a) Reset, Interrupt b) Ready hold c) Memory-mapped I/O d) Memory chip
a) c, d, both
b) a, b, both
c) None of the above.
d) All of the above

23) To interconnect peripherals with the 8085 MPU, additional logic circuit, called interfacing devices. These circuits include a device such as
a) buffer
b) Decoder
c) Encoder, latches
d) All of the above.

24) The 8085 flag register has five flags.
1) Carry flag, Sign flag 2) Zero flag, Parity flag 3) Auxilliary Carry
a) 1, 2 both
b) 1, 3 both
c) 2, 3 both
d) All of the above.

25) Counters and time delays can be designed using.
a) Software
b) CPI
c) Instruction
d) All of the above.

26) The 8085 code can be assembled by using a program called a :
a) Cross-assembler
b) Cross-compiler
c) Cross-interpret
d) All of the above.

27) The 8085 microprocessor has two pins available for I/O communication.
a) 1, 2 both
b) 1 only
c) 2 only.
d) All of these

28) The ___ is a program that allows then used to test and debug the object file.
a) Assembler
b) Loader
c) Debugger
d) None of the above.

29) It is a program that takes the object file generated by the assembler program.
a) Loading
b) Loader
c) Debugger
d) All of the above.

30) Intel’s 8086 and 80286, Motorola’s M 68000 and Zilog’s Z8000 are some of the most powerful-16-bit microprocessor are not available today. (T/F)
Ans. False

31) A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock driven, register-based electronic device. (T/F)
Ans. True

32) Read instructions from a storage device called memory. (T/F)
Ans. False

33) A typical programmable machine can be represented with 4 component: microprocessor, memory, Input/Output device, application. (T/F)
Ans. False

34) The physical components of this system are called the hardware. (T/F)
Ans. True

35) A set of instructions written for the microprocessor to perform a task is called an application. (T/F)
Ans. False

37) The microprocessor applications are classified primarily into 3 categories: re-programmable system and embedded system. (T/F)
Ans. True

38) The first microprocessor was introduced by Intel Corporation in 1971. (T/F)
Ans. True

39) 4-bit microprocessor (Intel) introduced were ROCKWELL International‘s (PPS4). (T/F)
Ans. True

40) In 8087 ___ executes all the instructions including arithmetic, logical, transcendental, and data transfer instructions.
A) Arithmetic and logical unit
B) Control Unit
C) Numeric Execution Unit
D) None of the above

41) A group of ___ bits is called byte.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8

42) The single IC which consists of ALU, control section, and register section is called___.
A) Microprocessor
B) Microcontroller
C) Register
D) Computer

43) A system bus which carries, only the control and timing signals then it is called as ____
A) Address bus
B) Data bus
C) Control bus
D) None of the above

44) Physical devices and circuitry of the computer are also known as ___ .
A) Hardware
B) Software
C) System Software
D) Application Software

45) Intel developed first processor 4004 in 1974 which was a ___ bit processor.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

46) Intel introduced the ___ 16 bit microprocessor in 1978.
A) 8085
B) 8086
C) 8080
D) 80386

47) The ____ family was introduced as a part of Intel Centrino Technology.
A) Pentium M
B) Pentium I
C) Pentium II
D) Dual core

48) AMD stand for___
A) Advanced Macro Devices
B) Advanced Micro Devices
C) Analog Macro Devices
D) Analog Micro Devices

49) 16 bit microprocessor has ___ bit data bus and ___ bit address bus.
A) 16, 20
B) 8,16
C) 4, 16
D) 8,20

50) 8086 operates in ___ modes.
A) Four
B) Three
C) Two
D) One

51) BIU Stands for___.
A) Binary Interactive Unit
B) Bus Interactive Unit
C) Bus Interface Unit
D) Binary Interface Unit

52) Assembler is a type of translator that translates ___ language into machine
level language.
A) High Level
B) Assembly level
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above

53) The addressing modes of 8086 can be categorized into ___ categories.
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four

54) In ___ addressing mode the operands are specified in the instruction itself.
A) Immediate
B) Register
C) Direct
D) Indirect

55) ___ instructions are used in such cases when some instructions are needed to be executed number of times to perform certain tasks.
A) Jump
B) Loop
C) Shift
D) Rotate

56) ___ instruction stops the execution of microprocessor and force microprocessor to enter into wait state
C) ESC(Escape)

57) A series of data byte available in memory at consecutive locations is called as___.
A) Bit String
B) Byte String
C) Word
D) None of these

58) ___loads a byte from a string in memory into AL.

59) CMPS stands for___.
A) Compare string byte
B) Compare string bit
C) Concatenate string byte
D) Concatenate string bit

60) ___ is a Prgrammable Interrupt Controller.
A) 8259A
B) 8086
C) 8085
D) 8255

61) ___ is used by 8259 A to Decipher various Commnad Words the CPU writes.
C) A0

62) The length of a bus cycle in 8086 system is of ___ clock cycles.
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four

63) PIC stands for___
A) Process Interface Controller
B) Process Interrupt Controller
C) Programmable Interface Controller
D) Pragrammable Interrupt Controller

64) Data bus buffer is a ___ state bidirectional ___ bit buffer that is used to interface 8259A to the system Data Bus.
A) 3,8
B) 2,8
C) 3,16
D) 2,16

65) RAM is ___ memory.
A) read only
B) Write only
C) Read/write
D) None of the above

66) In ___ cell the capacitor is used to store the charge as a representation of data.
A) Static RAM
C) Dynamic RAM
D) None of the above

67) In context of 8255 BSR stands for___.
A) Bit Set Register
B) Bit-Set Reset
C) Binary Set Register
D) Binary Set-Reset

68) In 8255-PPI ___ mode is used as two simple 8 bit I/O ports and port C as two 4-bit I/O ports.
A) Mode 0
B) Mode 1
C) Mode 2
D) Mode 3

69) In displays when small information or data has to be displayed then we can use ___.
D) Both A and B

70) There are ___ types of seven segment displays
A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1

71) IC 7447 is used as BCD to 7 segment decoder.
A) True
B) False

72) ___ is an Intel’s general purpose keyboard display controller.
A) 8255
B) 8279
C) 8085
D) 8088

73) ___ is a programmable interval timer/counter designed for use with Intel Microprocessor system.
A) 8255
B) 8279
C) 8251
D) 8254

74) 8254 has powerful READ BACK command which allows the user to check the count value, programmed mode, current mode and current status of counter
A) True
B) False

75) USART stands for ___
A) Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
B) Universal Standard Analog Receiver Transmitter
C) Universal Synchronous Analog Radiator Transmitter
D) Universal Standard Asynchronous Radiator Transmitter

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Microprocessor 8085 MCQ Questions and Answers for preparation of MCA, BCA and other IT examinations of various Institutions.

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