Cseet business communication mcqs | Mcq on business communication pdf for the preparation of competitive and academic examinations.
50 most important Mcq on business communication
1. The foremost skill required for learning a language is ___.
a. Writing skill
b. Reading skill
c. Speaking skill
d. Listening skill
Answer: (b)
2. The primary skill is to acquire knowledge about everything in the world.
a. Reading skill
b. Writing skill
c. Listening skill
d. Speaking skill
Answer: (a)
3. It is a Psycho-linguistic guessing game.
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Learning
d. Listening
Answer: (a)
4. Understanding a written text means –
a. Reading comprehension
b. Extracting the required information
c. Understand writer’s meaning
d. Both a & b
Answer: (d)
5. Reading is a ___ process.
a. Encoding
b. Codification
c. Decoding
d. None of the above
Answer: (c)
6. Men work on the land are:
a. Cultivators
b. Gardeners
c. Shepherds
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
7. Person who dig out stone for buildings and roads, and for laying a bed for railways lines.
a. Quarrymen
b. Miners
c. Diggers
d. Both b and c
Answer: (a)
8. Shopkeepers comes under the category of –
a. Movers
b. Manufacturers
c. Helpers
d. Makers
Answer: (a)
9. SQ3R techniques for reading is given by –
a. Braille, 1965
b. Robinson in 1970
c. Both a & b
d. Billmeyer, 1962
Answer: (b)
10. ___ is the brightest star.
a. Sirius
b. Alpha
c. Blake
d. None of the above
Answer: (a)
11. “Spectroscopes” instrument is used by –
a. Doctor
b. Engineer
c. Astronomers
d. Astronauts
Answer: (c)
12. The fascinating areas of language learning is –
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Writing
d. Speaking
Answer: (b)
13. Listening process involves –
a. Processing the data
b. Reconstructing the data
c. Giving meaning to the data
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
14. Trumpet horn bagpipes are in the category of –
a. Wind instruments
b. Woodwind
c. Strings
d. Striking instruments
Answer: (a)
15. Semantic markers are used as –
a. It mark the beginning of the sentences
b. It act as a link between two sentences
c. Its function is to indicate a shift in the tone of the speaker
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
16. ‘C’ stands for carbon and ‘Ca’ stands for calcium are examples of –
a. Field abbreviations
b. Common abbreviations
c. Personal abbreviation
d. None of the above
Answer: (a)
17. The oldest form of communication is –
a. Writing
b. Speech
c. Reading
d. Symbolic
Answer: (b)
18. The big step forward in communication is –
a. Speaking
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. None of the above
Answer: (c)
19. It is the system where each symbol stood for a and syllable and vowels were not indicated.
a. Hieroglyphics
b. Syllabaries
c. Ideographs
d. None of the above
Answer: (b)
20. ___ is a word or a phrase, which helps us to express what we are trying to say.
a. Idioms
b. Gambit
c. Tricks
d. Sarcastic
Answer: (b)
21. Those sentences which make statements or assertions are called –
a. Declarative or Assertive sentence
b. Interrogative sentence
c. Imperative sentence
d. Exclamatory sentence
Answer: (a)
22. Identify the subject and predicate in the given sentence –
‘The Sun was shining.’
a. The, sun was shining
b. The Sun. was shining
c. The Sun was, shining
d. None of the above
Answer: (b)
23. A group of words that forms part of a sentence, and contains a subject and a predicate, is called –
a. Clause
b. Phrase
c. Gambit
d. Idioms
Answer: (a)
24. An ___ is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
a. Adverb
b. Adjective
c. Pronoun
d. Clause
Answer: (a)
25. ‘Babur was a wise king who ruled India. Identify the proper noun.
a. King
b. India
c. Babur
d. Wise king
Answer: (b)
26. A ___ noun is the name of quality, action, or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs.
a. Abstract noun
b. Common noun
c. Proper noun
d. Definite noun
Answer: (a)
27. A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is called the –
a. Common gender
b. Neutral gender
c. Neuter gender
d. All of the above
Answer: (c)
28. Form the plural of the given words.
1. Volcano
2. Canto
3. Piano
a. Volcanos, cantoes, pianos
b. Volcanos, cantos, pianos
c. Volcanoes, cantoes, pianos
d. Volcanos, cantos, pianos
Answer: (b)
29. Select the correct plural form of a given noun.
a. Goose-Geese
b. Dwarf-Dwarfes
c. Belief-believes
d. Cargo-Cargos
Answer: (a)
30. The ___ to form a complete, recognizable whole is called cohesion.
a. Connection
b. Linking
c. Gluing
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
31. “Certain factors required in the construction of paragraphs” –
a. Unity
b. Order
c. Variety
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
32. ___ is concerned with marking and identifying items, people and events.
a. Reference
b. Conjunctions
c. Lexical Replacement
d. All of the above
Answer: (a)
33. A ___ is a short concise summing up of any material, either auditory or written.
a. Concise
b. Precise
c. Summary
d. All of the above
Answer: (c)
34. A summary is known as –
a. A brief statement of the main points of something
b. It is a short concise summing up of any material, either auditory or written
c. Both a & b
d. Shortened form of the main points
Answer: (c)
35. Biographies, Historical stories, etc. are the example of –
a. Imaginative essays
b. Narrative essays
c. Descriptive essays
d. Expository essays
Answer: (b)
36. Bibliographic can consist of –
a. Books
b. Journals or Periodicals
c. Audios and videos
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
37. Gathering citations and reference list at the end of each chapter or at the end of the page.
a. Endnotes
b. Footnotes
c. Footer
d. All of the above
Answer: (a)
38. The writing styles are determined by the ___ matter.
a. Topic
b. Object
c. Subject
d. Field
Answer: (c)
39. Communication is basically –
a. Talking
b. Writing
c. Signaling
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
40. ___ linked people together in an organization to achieve a common purpose.
a. Communication
b. Common goal
c. Objective
d. Purpose
Answer: (a)
41. We require several skills for acquiring ___ and ___.
a. Knowledge, wisdom
b. Knowledge, information
c. Information, experience
d. Both b & c
Answer: (a)
42. Reading skill improves our ___ and ___.
a. Learning skills, speaking skills
b. Learning skills, communication skills
c. Learning ability, communication skills
d. All of the above
Answer: (c)
43. Rain has ___ right through the coat. If you can’t ___ your dog from biting the milkman, you must lock him up.
a. Penetrated, restrain
b. Ex asperation, kernal
c. Cut, amazement
d. None of the above
Answer: (a)
44. David living stone worked as a ___ in a cotton mill when he was only ten years old. He did not receive any formal education and was his own ___.
a. Doctor, labourer
b. Labourer, teacher
c. Explorer, labourer
d. Teacher, doctor
Answer: (b)
45. ___ involves processing and reconstructing the data, But ___ is letting the sounds beat your eardrums.
a. Listening, hearing
b. Hearing, listening
c. Casual listening, focused listening
d. None of the above
Answer: (a)
46. The ___ and ___ is also helpful for the listener to understand the meaning.
a. Tone, behavior
b. Pitch, tone
c. Tone, attitude
d. Tone, intensity
Answer: (b)
47. Using lecturers, handouts we acquire information from ___, and by using tutorials, conversations, etc. we acquire information through ___.
a. Tutors, fellow learners
b. Other sources, tutors
c. Students, tutors
d. None of the above
Answer: (a)
48. Identify the advantages of writing –
a. The speaker himself did not have to be present in order to communicate
b. The knowledge of one generation could be accumulated and passed on to the next
c. Both a & b
d. We can represent, what we want
Answer: (c)
49. The general categories of communications are –
a. Speech, writing
b. Printing
c. Electronic communication
d. All of the above
Answer: (d)
50. ___ means no external, unnecessary details have to be included, while ___ means all the significant and important details should be included.
a. Accurate, complete
b. Orderly, clear
c. Accurate, clear
d. Clear, complete
Answer: (a)
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