Marketing Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

41. The price policy must be framed after taking into account ___.
Answer: Availability of raw materials

42. The price policy must assure a reasonable margin to ___.
Answer: Intermediaries

43. When a business enterprise adopts a price policy that is in accordance with the price policies adopted by its competitors, the price policy is called ___.
Answer: Meeting competition pricing policy

44. In which pricing policy product is priced below the originally fixed price?
Answer: Markdown

45. When one firm in the industry assumes the role of a leader in determining the price, then it is ___ pricing policy.
Answer: Leader pricing

46. ___ is the amount of money paid or payable to acquire a product and its accompanying services.
Answer: Price

47. The first step in determining the price of a new product is to estimate the ___ for the product.
Answer: Demand

48. It may be noted that the market share of the product of the firm should not be fixed beyond the ___ capacity of the firm.
Answer: Production

49. Which of the following is not the objective of pricing?
a) R O I
b) Market share
c) Prevention of competition
d) Profiteering
Answer: d) Profiteering

50. While fixing the price, the price of similar products, produced by other firms, will have to be considered. (True / False)
Answer: True

51. ___ refers to the pathway, path, or route taken by goods as they flow or move from the point of production to the point of consumption or use.
Answer: Channel of distribution

52. Channels of distribution serve as a bridge between them ___ and the final ___ or industrial users.
Answer: Producers; Consumers

53. The channels of distribution help to move the goods from one place to another, and thereby, add place utility to the goods. (True / False)
Answer: True

54. If ABC Ltd. is considered financially strong, then it comes under ___ characteristics.
a) Economic
b) Company
c) Supply
d) Marketing
Answer: b) Company

55. ___ goods must be placed in the hands of the consumers as quickly as possible, and so, they require direct selling.
Answer: Perishable

56. When economic conditions are depressed, ___ channels of distribution are preferable.
Answer: Short

57. Under ___, the manufacturer or producer sells his products directly to the final consumer.
Answer: Direct Selling

58. ___ is, generally, considered suitable for the marketing of perishable commodities.
Answer: Direct selling

59. Under ___ method, the manufacturer or producer sells his goods to the final consumers or industrial users, not directly by himself.
Answer: Indirect selling

60. A wholesaler links the manufacturers with the ___.
Answer: Retailers

61. ___ is the function of informing, persuading, and influencing the consumers to purchase the product of the seller.
Answer: Promotion

62. The visual image of the brand consists of ___, ___, and ___.
Answer: Colors, fonts, and visual elements

63. Define promotion as given by William J. Stanton.
Answer: Promotion includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and other selling tools

64. Advertising is a paid form and hence ___in nature.
Answer: Commercial

65. Advertising is the connecting link between the manufacturer and the ___.
Answer: Consumers

66. ___ reduces salesman’s jobs.
Answer: Advertising

67. ___ activities supplement the promotional efforts of advertising and salesmanship.
Answer: Sales promotion

68. Sales promotion leads to low unit cost, due to large-scale production and large-scale ___.
Answer: Selling

69. ___ involves face-to-face communication.
Answer: Personal selling

70. The traditional name for personal selling is ___.
Answer: Salesmanship

71. Under ___ the manufacturer or producer sells his products directly to the final consumers or industrial users without the help of any middlemen.
Answer: Direct marketing

72. ___ marketing is common in the case of industrial marketing.
Answer: Direct

73. Publicity is ___ communication.
Answer: Informal

74. ___ refers to an effort to create a favorable attitude towards a firm among employees shareholders, suppliers, customers, the government, and the society at large.
Answer: Public relation

75. If a company advertises its products on popular websites, is it online marketing? Yes/No.
Answer: Yes

76. ___ provides space for the company to include not just the product information, but also a whole lot of details that talk about the company’s existence.
Answer: Internet

77. Integrated marketing communication mix is the same as ___.
Answer: Integrated Promotion mix

78. ___ is a broad statement of some desired endpoint.
Answer: Goal

79. The personality or image created for the company is called its ___.
Answer: Brand

80. ___ is the brand name of the company which has been registered under the Trade Marks Act.
Answer: Trademark

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Conclusion Points:

Marketing management is an essential function of any business.

By understanding the concepts and theories behind marketing, business owners can create successful marketing plans that will bring in new customers and increase profits.

There are many different marketing methods available, so business owners should select the ones that will work best for their company.

Additionally, they should continuously evaluate and adjust their marketing plans to ensure that they are effective.

Finally, marketing management requires ongoing effort and vigilance to be successful. Thanks for reading!

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