Management Information System MCQ questions with answers

26. Business process reengineering helps in ___ of the entire workforce along with various flows, ___ the wastages, and giving the system a new dimension.
Ans. reorganization, minimizing

27. A concept called ___ is used, to make everybody and all the process in an organization contribute towards better quality.
Ans. TQM.

28. A ___ has mainly a procedure defined within and a set of values called ___.
Ans. Object, attribute

29. What are the major issues of OOM?
Ans. Object-oriented Analysis/Design, Object-oriented programming

30. What are the characteristics of a data warehouse
Ans. subject-oriented, integrated, non-volatile, and time-variant

31. The design of the MIS should consider the class of information as a whole and provide suitable information system architecture to generate information for various users in the organisation.
Ans. True

32. Functional information is defined as a set of information required by the customer conducting the administration and management of the function.
Ans. False

33. The sole purpose of the MIS is to produce such information which will reduce uncertainty risk in a given situation.
Ans. True

34. The experts or experienced users are asked to give their best answers – this approach is called the Delphi method.
Ans. True

35. Only a few business organisations perform successfully on efficient management of certain critical success factors.
Ans. False

36. Perfect ___ just as perfect information is non-achievable and has cost-benefit implications.
Ans. Quality

37. All the inputs are processed and ___, as input and process design.
Ans. Controlled

38. ___ of the data and files are taken to safeguard corruption or loss of data.
Ans. Backup

39. Proper people organisation is basic to the management of any activity or function.
Ans. True

40. In a decentralized set, the responsibility of acquisition of the data, of providing the information to the users, becomes the centralized function.
Ans. False

41. The MIS is ___ into the managerial functions.
Ans. Integrated

42. The MIS is kept under continuous ___ so that its open system design is modified according to the changing information needs.
Ans. Surveillance

43. The term ERP originally referred to how a large organization planned to use organizational wide resources.
Ans. True

44. Management functions were all once stand-alone software applications, usually housed with their own database and network, today, they can all fit in one umbrella – the ERP system.
Ans. True

45. The process of business planning can be broadly classified as strategic level.
Ans. False

46. The operational planning decides on the ___ and the cost ___.
Ans. Investment cost control

47. ___ and ___ of products is also an important aspect of operational planning.
Ans. Costing, pricing

48. The management costs are reduced and the efficiency increased due to the use of information technology and thus the revenues of the organization increases.
Ans. True

49. Information systems can be used to support strategy at the business, firm and industry level.
Ans. True

50. Implementing strategic systems often requires extensive organizational change and a transition from one socio-technical level to another, which is known as operations transitions.
Ans. False

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