How to Score Band 9 in IELTS: Band 9 Score Hacks

According to an IELTS study, test takers from the top nations achieve, on average, a 7 band. However, universities/institutions demand a Band score of 8 or higher, and most immigration agencies require a minimum score of 7. So, aiming for a high band score is always a wise strategy.

Success is determined by addressing these questions, composing essays, and managing your time. The highest band score is achieved by those who know the right path. If you want to get a 9 on your IELTS exam, you’ll need a strong command of English communication skills, which are the basis for the exam.


Understand the test format

If you are going to write any test, you should familiarize yourself with the test format before beginning the real preparation. You won’t be able to finish it in time if you don’t know the test format. So, in order to perform well on the IELTS test, you must be familiar with the test structure.

Recognize the value of practice exams

Without practice, even a native speaker may not achieve a high band score on the IELTS exam. You can acquire a good score in all of the IELTS modules with a lot of practice tests and sufficient preparation. Practice exams help you develop your abilities while also familiarizing you with the test structure and material.

How to prepare for IELTS to get a 9 Band score?

You can begin preparing for IELTS by practicing the four skills of language – reading, speaking, listening, and writing – in day-to-day life. You can, for example, listen to English news, movies, or television shows.

Read newspaper and magazine articles and speak with friends or a professional. These exercises help you develop not just your reading, speaking, and listening skills but also your writing abilities.

While practicing writing and speaking, ask someone to edit and correct your work. Practice tests are the most effective approach to preparing for the IELTS exam since they allow you to practice on a variety of topics.

Many websites provide video lessons, practice exams, downloadable materials, and IELTS expert help. Look for those websites and enroll in online training to improve your band score.

Concentrate on the four modules of IELTS

You can get a high band score by polishing your Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Reading skills individually. Once you become familiar with each component of the IELTS exam, the next stage is to comprehend the various types of questions asked in each module.

Those acquainted with all the types of questions can complete all tasks within the provided time frame.

Tips for the Listening section

To strengthen your IELTS Listening abilities and familiarize yourself with each listening exam question type, make it a habit to listen to English news and songs. Here are some helpful tips for taking the Listening exam:

  • Before listening to the audio, read the questions carefully to know which areas might require more attention.
  • Don’t wait until the end to note down the answer since you could forget what you heard.
  • Check your spellings. You will lose marks if you write any name with incorrect spellings.
  • Pay close attention to the negatives (not, never, none, no one, hardly, scarcely, etc.)
  • Don’t rush your responses. You may believe what you hear is the answer, but the conversation may take a different turn. You can scribble down the points if you like.
  • Look for hints in the question if you can’t locate the answer to a certain question.

Tips for the Reading section

IELTS Reading abilities are improved through reading newspapers, magazines, and other materials. Practice guessing an unfamiliar word’s meaning based on context. If you still don’t know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.

Below are some tips that can help while taking the reading test:

  • Look for specifics as you read the paragraph.
  • Take a look at the questions before you read the entire passage.
  • Skim over the paragraph and underline any significant facts.
  • Ignore tough words and skip new terms like prepositions. Try to comprehend the meaning through connecting words.
  • Read the titles, subtitles, and the beginning and end of the content to get a sense of the text.
  • Divide your time wisely: if you spend more than a minute answering a question and still don’t know the answer, go on to the next one. You may return to the question if you have time after answering the remainder of the questions. 

Tips for Speaking section

Before the exam, speak English with your friends, relatives, and coworkers whenever and wherever feasible. You will be able to talk fluently in front of the examiner without fumbling or hesitating if you practice speaking English. Given below are some helpful tips that can help while taking the speaking test:

  • Try to speak as naturally as possible.
  • Fluently communicate and be spontaneous.
  • Express your thoughts and rectify any errors you make right away.
  • If you don’t understand a question, ask the examiner to repeat the question.
  • Make sure to maintain good eye contact with your examiner.
  • It may sound scripted if you try to speak your answer before the examiner finishes the question.

Tips for the Writing section

To write an essay, report, or letter, one has to be creative to include more points and examples. We don’t have a spell checker or grammar checker to use while writing by hand. So be cautious. Find sample IELTS essays online and analyze them in terms of task response, essay structure, coherence, vocabulary, and sentence variety.

Some IELTS Writing Task 1 and IELTS Writing Task 2 tips are provided here to assist you when taking the writing test.

  • Before creating an answer, thoroughly read the question.
  • Always arrange your response with a distinct beginning, middle, and end. It facilitates a logical flow of ideas and thoughts and makes them understandable.
  • Do not copy the question lines word for word since the examiner will invalidate such words. Modify the lines instead.
  • Stick to each task’s word limit and don’t write fewer words than required.

Wrapping up

The key to getting the desired band score is to be committed to studying and addressing your weaknesses. Enroll in an IELTS course and receive constructive feedback from an IELTS professional if you don’t have somebody qualified to assist you with your learning process.

Additionally, before taking the IELTS exam, make sure you understand the fundamentals appropriately.

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