Design and Analysis of Algorithms MCQ with Answers pdf

Most important Design and Analysis of Algorithms MCQ with Answers pdf. DAA MCQ Questions and Answers pdf for the preparation of IT examinations.
Design and analysis of algorithms are essential for any software development project. Having a good understanding of the fundamentals can be beneficial in many aspects.

We will discuss the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers pdf, which provides essential knowledge. We will cover topics such as algorithm types, designing processes, and effectiveness evaluation to help you comprehensively understand the subject.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms MCQ

Top 50 Design and Analysis of Algorithms MCQ with Answers

1. An ___ is defined as a set of well-defined instructions used to accomplish a particular task.
a. Algorithm
b. Function
c. Program
d. Procedure
Answer (A)

2. The measure of the longest amount of time possibly taken to complete an algorithm is expressed as __.
a. Little-O
b. Little-Omega
c. Big-Omega
d. Big-O
Answer (D)

3. A ___ is a compact, informal, and environment-independent description of a computer programming algorithm.
a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Psuedocode
d. Non-linear data structure
Answer (C)

4. ___ of an algorithm is the amount of time required for it to execute.
a. Time complexity
b. Space complexity
c. Compiling time
d. Best case
Answer (A)

5. Potential function method is the technique that performs an amortized analysis based on ___.
a. Financial model
b. Computational model
c. Algorithm analysis
d. Energy model
Answer (D)

6. ___ is the maximum amount of time an algorithm takes to execute a specific set of inputs.
a. Running time
b. Average case time complexity
c. Worst case time complexity
d. Best case time complexity
Answer (C)

7. ___ within the limit deals with the behavior of a function for sufficiently large values of its parameter.
a. Asymptotic notation
b. Big-Oh notation
c. Omega notation
d. Theta notation
Answer (A)

8. Which one of the following helps in calculating the longest amount of time taken for the completion of the algorithm?
a. Theta notation
b. Big-Oh notation
c. Omega notation
d. Time complexity
Answer (B)

9. For converting recursive algorithm to non-recursive algorithm, store the values of all ___ parameters in the stack.
a. Negative
b. Global
c. Pass by reference
d. Pass by value
Answer (D)

10. The ___ is also known as an escape clause which is used to terminate the algorithm.
a. Recursive step
b. Recursive function
c. Iterative step
d. Base case
Answer (D)

11. In algorithm visualization of bubble sort algorithm the non-linear curve of the sorted elements is close to ___.
a. 3n
b. n3
c. 2n
d. n2
Answer (D)

12. The recursive versions of binary search use a ___ structure.
a. Branch and bound
b. Dynamic programming
c. Divide and conquer
d. Simple recursive
Answer (C)

13. ___ are node-based data structures used in many system programming applications for managing dynamic sets
a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Binary search trees
d. List
Answer (C)

14. Which method is practical to perform a single search in an unsorted list of elements?
a. Sequential search
b. Bubble sort
c. Horspool’s method of string matching
d. Brute force method of string matching
Answer (A)

15. Which algorithm finds the solution for the single-source shortest path problem for a tree?
a. Prim’s
b. Dijkstra’s
c. Kruskal’s
d. Huffman code
Answer (B)

16. Prim’s algorithm starts constructing a minimum spanning tree from ___.
a. An arbitary root vertex
b. The shortest arc
c. The left most vertex
d. The right most vertex
Answer (A)

17. Which method of encoding does not consider the probability of occurrence of symbols?
a. Static Huffman coding
b. Variable length coding
c. Adaptive Huffman coding
d. Fixed length coding
Answer (D)

18. In distribution counting to sorting elements in an array ___ is used.
a. Accumulated sum of frequencies
b. Frequency
c. Count of repeating elements in the array
d. The length of the array
Answer (A)

19. ___ is a concept wherein larger solutions for problems are found based upon the solution of a number of smaller problems.
a. Decrease and conquer
b. Divide and conquer
c. Branch and bound
d. Backtracking
Answer (A)

20. The basic operation of the ___ algorithm is the comparison between the element and the array given.
a. Binary search
b. Greedy
c. Brute force
d. Insertion sort
Answer (D)

21. In ___, one begins at the root of the tree and then explores along each branch.
a. Topological sorting
b. Breadth-first search
c. Depth-first search
d. Insertion Sort
Answer (C)

22. What is the mode for the following set numbers? 10,12,8,4,10, 6, 10,11,11,10,12
a. 11
b. 12
c. 10
d. 9
Answer (C)

23. ___ is not a balanced search tree.
a. AVL tree
b. Binary tree
c. Red-black tree
d. B-tree
Answer (B)

24. The number of key comparisons in the worst case while forming a heap is using an array of n elements is ___.
a. nlog2(n+1)
b. 2(nlog(n+1))
c. 2(n-1)log2(n+1)
d. 2(n-log2(n+1))
Answer (D)

25. ___ is an optimization technique for particular classes of backtracking algorithms that repeatedly solve sub-problems.
a. Decrease and conquer
b. Dynamic programming
c. Branch and bound
d. Divide and Conquer
Answer (B)

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