Data Structure using C MCQ | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C MCQ

Data Structure using C MCQ | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C MCQ with Answers for Competitive & Academic Examinations.

Data Structure using C MCQ | Fundamentals of Data Structures in C MCQ

Data Structure using C MCQ

1. Selection sort and bubble sort having the same time complexity. (True / False)
Ans. True

2. In quick sort, any element can be considered as the pivot. (True / False)
Ans. True

3. In radix sort, number of passes has been calculated as number of digits of maximum value. (True / False)
Ans. True

4. To write an algorithm there is no rules/regulation (True / False)
Ans. False

5. Input is a compulsory part of an algorithm. (True / False)
Ans. False

6. Flow charts have some standard symbols (True / False)
Ans. True

7. Flow chart has no start or end symbols (True / False)
Ans. False

8. scanf() is an output function. (True / False)
Ans. False

9. Turbo C is a Compiler. (True / False)
Ans. True

10. Decision-making is done by if statements. (True / False)
Ans. True

11. Break statement terminates the program execution. (True / False)
Ans. False

12. Break statement is compulsory in a switch-case statement. (True / False)
Ans. False

13. Auto conversion of type is called an implicit conversion. (True / False)
Ans. True

14. Array index started from 1 in language C. (True / False)
Ans. False

15. Any array element can be accessed randomly. (True / False)
Ans. False

16. Macro substitution needed #. (True / False)
Ans. True

17. We can’t change the value of the static variables. (True / False)
Ans. False

18. Function cannot be called number of times. (True / False)
Ans. False

19. Function prototyping is compulsory if a return type is other than an integer. (True / False)
Ans. True

20. For library function, header file inclusion is a must. (True / False)
Ans. True

21. ceil () is the mathematical function. (True / False)
Ans. True

22. Recursion is faster than iteration. (True / False)
Ans. False

23. Structure is a collection of number of other types. (True / False)
Ans. True

24. Structure initialization is not possible. (True / False)
Ans. False

25. Union and structure are the same except storage allocation. (True / False)
Ans. True

26. The pointer operation & is called „address of‟. (True / False)
Ans. True

27. Dynamic allocation means allocation at specific space in memory. (True / False)
Ans. True

28. In Language C, any number of files can be opened at a time. (True / False)
Ans. False

29. “w+” and “wb+” are the same about its operation. (True / False)
Ans. True

30. FILE is a function. (True / False)
Ans. False

31. fopen() is a function through which we can open a disk file. (True / False)
Ans. True

32. putc() and puts() are the same in nature. (True / False)
Ans. False

33. A data structure is a representation of data and the operations allowed on that data. (True / False)
Ans. True

34. Array is an example of data structure. (True / False)
Ans. True

35. ADT means Advance Data Type. (True / False)
Ans. False

36. Tree is the linear data structure. (True / False)
Ans. False

37. Stack operates on FIFO. (True / False)
Ans. False

38. We can get any data randomly from Stack. (True / False)
Ans. False

39. The Polish Notation comes in honour of Jan Luksiewiez. (True / False)
Ans. True

40. ab+ is the prefix notation. (True / False)
Ans. False

41. Queue maintains the algorithm LIFO. (True / False)
Ans. False

42. In the linked list we can access any node randomly. (True / False)
Ans. False

43. Node of a singular linked list have only one reference field. (True / False)
Ans. True

44. Circular Linked List has two-way references. (True / False)
Ans. False

45. Optimum Utilization of Memory Space is the application of Linked List. (True / False)
Ans. True

46. By Doubly Linked List, we can move in both the direction. (True / False)
Ans. True

47. The unique node with no predecessor is called Root. (True / False)
Ans. True

48. Nodes that are not root and not leaf are called internal nodes. (True / False)
Ans. True

49. Preorder is a binary traversal. (True / False)
Ans. True

50. Complete Binary Tree and Full Binary Tree are the same. (True / False)
Ans. False

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