Consumer Behaviour MCQs – Consumer Buying Behaviour Questions

Consumer Behaviour MCQs – Consumer Buying Behaviour Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Preparing for an exam can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to understanding and analyzing consumer behavior. The concept of consumer buying behavior plays a crucial role in marketing strategies and decision-making processes for businesses.

If you are currently seeking a comprehensive collection of MCQs on consumer buying behavior, then look no further – this article is here to provide you with the necessary resources and answers you need to excel in your exam preparation.

Consumer Behaviour MCQs

Consumer Behaviour MCQs

1. Avinash watches an ad for a deodorant which shows that if a man doesn’t use that deodorant, girls will run away from him. So, Avinash decides to buy it. Here ___ function plays a role.
Ans. Ego-defensive

6. Aryan buys a ball so that he can play cricket. This relates to ___ materialism.
Ans. Instrumentalism

7. Tribal groups normally have different living styles than other people. This is called sub-cultural ___.
Ans. Exclusion

8. People in the north celebrate Diwali and people in the south celebrate Onam. This is called sub-cultural ___.
Ans. Homogeneity

9. Different food items are popular in different parts of India. This relates to ___ sub-culture.
Ans. Regional

10. Products like Chayavanprash and Zandu Kesari are mostly targeted at ___ and ___.
Ans. Kids, older people

11. Sheena does not want to work but works to second her husband’s income. She may be put under the category of ___ woman.
Ans. Trapped working

12. The terms ICE and IC2=E2 denote ___ driven cultural change in India.
Ans. Technology

13. Modernity, adjustability, adaptability etc. constitute___ tradition.
Ans. Negotiated

14. Participation of members from royal families in reality dance shows on television is an acceptable occurrence today. This reflects the ___ in cultural change.
Ans. Social legitimacy of aspiration

15. Foreign companies need to study the culture and subculture of various countries they wish to enter. (True/False)
Ans. True

16. Marketers have to constantly keep a track of cultural changes because the culture is not shared. (True/False)
Ans. False

17. Fixed office working hours represent a semi-chronic time perspective. (True/False)
Ans. False

18. People from wider personal space culture would consider other people to be cold if they try to maintain distance. (True/False)
Ans. False

19. ___ refers to the rank of an individual in society as perceived by others.
Ans. Status

20. Social classes are hierarchical; they range from ___ to ___ status.
Ans. High, low

21. Income is the sole factor influencing family decision-making. (True/False)
Ans. True

22. Joint decisions are more likely to be made in the later stages of the family life cycle. (True/False)
Ans. False

23. For products like furniture, consumer durables, vehicles, husband and wife are likely to take a joint decision. (True/False)
Ans. False

24. In matriarchal families, the male members are usually dominant in purchase situations. (True/False)
Ans. False

25. Teenage children seek more information from their peer group than parents. (True/False)
Ans. True

26. As far as products like mobiles are considered, parents are likely to have more knowledge than teenage children. (True/False)
Ans. False

27. Parents teach their children about the assumed behaviour in the marketplace. This is known as consumer socialisation of children. (True/False)
Ans. True

28. Your parents don’t like you to play with other children of the society. Your parents are authoritarian parents. (True/False)
Ans. True

29. Charan saw a movie and suggested to his friend to watch it too. The movie benefited from Charan’s word-of-mouth communication. (True/False)
Ans. True

30. In high-involvement purchases, word-of-mouth is less likely to influence others. (True/False)
Ans. False

31. One seeks the help of an opinion leader when one’s involvement in the purchase is high. (True/False)
Ans. True

32. Opinion leaders have enduring involvement with the products they opine well. (True/False)
Ans. True

33. Marketers are less likely to target the ___ class.
Ans. Lower

34. Developing countries like India are largely comprised of the ___ class.
Ans. Middle

35. In general, money is defined in terms of its ___ purpose.
Ans. Utilitarian

36. Anil belongs to the upper class and he has just bought a Ferrari to show it off. This type of consumption is referred to a ___ consumption.
Ans. Conspicuous

37. ___ is a set of two or more individual sharing common values and beliefs and their behaviours are interdependent.
Ans. Group

38. Family and friends come under ___ dominated source of group influence.
Ans. Non-marketer

39. Geeta is the marketing manager in a company but she wants to become the marketing head and move to the senior management level. This senior management group is Geeta’s ___ group.
Ans. Anticipatory aspiration

40. Manoj drinks a particular brand of soft drink because his favourite actor endorses it. The group of favourite actors constitute Manoj’s ___ group.
Ans. Symbolic aspiration

41. Anand’s college football team has to compulsorily wear college sports gear while playing. This is a ___ of Anand’s college.
Ans. Norm

42. Kanta took the advice of her computer teacher before buying a PC. Her teacher is said to have ___ power.
Ans. Expert

43. Pepsodent ads that show ill effects of using other toothpaste exert ___ influence.
Ans. Comparative

44. Normative influence is also referred to as ___ influence.
Ans. Utilitarian

45. L’Oreal uses Aishwarya Rai as a ___ referent.
Ans. Symbolic

46. Deodorant ads lay emphasis on ___ approval.
Ans. Social

47. ___ are identified with the introductory phase of the product life cycle.
Ans. Innovators

48. Marketers begin to use price appeals and sales promotions in the ___ stage.
Ans. Maturity

49. ___ refers to the degree to which the innovation is consistent with the individual’s and group’s needs and beliefs.
Ans. Compatibility

50. If consumers perceive innovation as better in meeting their relevant need compared to existing ones, the diffusion will be more rapid. This relates to the ___ factor.
Ans. Relative advantage

What is slope-intercept form?

51. Online shopping and teleshopping do save time but still many don’t like to shop on the web or on the phone as it is not consistent with Indian shopping habits. This is the ___ barrier.
Ans. Usage

52. ___ stage comes just before the adoption stage in the adoption process.
Ans. Trial

53. Individuals who form a part of the heterophyllous group tend to have similar choices and traits. (True/False)
Ans. False

54. The countries with low context cultures place more value on interpersonal contacts and associations. (True/False)
Ans. False

55. Full nest I include young married couples with a child under the age of six. (True/False)
Ans. True

56. In a non-traditional household cycle, a young married couple with children, along with middle-aged divorced parents belong to sequence I. (True/False)
Ans. False

57. Mobile phones come in the category of ___innovations.
Ans. Continuous

58. iPod is an example of ___ innovation.
Ans. Dynamically continuous

59. Karan buys a cellphone on the day of its launch. He is a/an ___.
Ans. Innovator

60. ___ are most likely to be opinion leaders and influence others.
Ans. Early adopter

61. ___ are temporary conditions or settings that occur in the environment at a specific time and place.
Ans. Situational influence

62. Britannia has introduced eggless cakes for vegetarians. This decision is based on the ___ situation.
Ans. Consumption

63. Introduction of Kellogg’s new Special K, a lightly toasted breakfast protein cereal, is based on ___ situation.
Ans. Consumption

64. ___ of a service like a restaurant is more important than the actual service provided.
Ans. Physical characteristics

65. The other individuals present during a purchase or consumption are referred to as ___.
Ans. Social surroundings

66. Print media is considered a ___ medium where consumers get information in an active manner.
Ans. High-involvement

67. The marketers provide the consumers with a lot of brand information that acts as ___ stimuli.
Ans. Symbolic

68. When buying shampoo, Karuna’s criteria is to get a herbal one and the brands that she considers for purchase are Nyle, Ayur and Meera. These three brands constitute the ___ set of brands.
Ans. Evoked

69. Awareness set, inept set and inert set are all part of evoked set. (True/False)
Ans. False

70. Nicosia model is also known as the conflict model. (True/False)
Ans. True

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The Consumer Behaviour MCQs – Consumer Buying Behaviour Multiple Choice Question and answers provide valuable insights into understanding consumer behavior and the factors that influence their buying decisions.

By testing your knowledge through these multiple choice questions, you have gained a deeper understanding of various concepts and theories related to consumer behavior. We encourage you to share this resource with others on social media so that they too can benefit from this knowledge.

Remember, understanding consumer behavior is essential for businesses to succeed in today’s competitive market. So let’s spread the word and empower more individuals with this valuable information!

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