Communication Skills Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Communication Skills Multiple Choice Questions and Answers pdf. MCQ on Types of Communication for the preparation of general & competitive exam.

Communication Skills Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Communication Skills MCQs with Answers

1. Business letters are written to convey a ___, ___, ___ and ___ message to the receiver.
Ans: Clear, concise, correct and simple.

2. A letter is formal when two individuals or organization ___ in-between each other.
Ans: Communicate

3. A personal letter represents ___ and ___ form.
Ans: Informal, unstructured

4. Structure of a letter has four points. Choose the correct options:
a) Adjustment, Informative, Closing
b) Opening, Quality, Service
c) Body, Closing, Heading
d) Opening, Enclosure, Closing.
Ans: c) Body, Closing, Heading

5. Salutation is given in the letter only to show respect to the reader and not to maintain a standard format. (True / False).
Ans: False

6. CC is the abbreviation of ___.
Ans: Carbon copy

7. Signature and enclosure are not as important as a salutation or the body of the passage. (True / False).
Ans: False

8. A letter of instruction is a ___ letter that contains a sales message.
Ans: Persuasive

9. Correct attitude is required for writing a letter because it has serious ___on the reader.
Ans: Implication

10. Legal letters are different from enquiry letter but they also have something in common. What is it?
Ans: Action, interest

11. Buying a commodity from the market or issuing a letter to purchase goods from a supplier is known as ___.
Ans: Letter of transmission.

12. A letter giving instruction to the reader should be purposeful, detailed and ___ oriented.
Ans: Action

13. Reports are useful tools for identifying the various events and compiling them together. (True/False)
Ans: True

14. Report differs from an essay because it ( report) has more freedom and flexibility. (True/False)
Ans: False

15. Report is written because it is a routine job, but more of an essential informative document. (True/False)
Ans: True

16. A good report helps the executives to take various decisions in a strategic way. (True/False)
Ans: True

17. To write a good report it is necessary to have a good command of the English Language. (True/False)
Ans: True

18. Graphical representations make the report more interesting and factual rather than writing it in a story format. (True/False)
Ans: True

19. A report should be simple, understandable and professional, otherwise, it loses its importance. (True/False)
Ans: 7. True

20. It is important to disclose your name, roll number, guide‟s name in the report. (True/False).
Ans: True

21. Chapters should include specifications, practical details, system behaviours and characteristics. (True/False).
Ans: True

22. In the reference section, if you are drawing information from a manual, it should not include the author’s name. (Yes/ No).
Ans: No

23. Avoid using long sentences in the e-mail. (True/False).
Ans: True

24. Use active voice instead of passive voice while framing the e-mail. (True/False).
Ans: True

25. You can copy a message without prior permission. (True/False).
Ans: False

26. Avoid contractions in e-mails. (True/False).
Ans: True

27. Avoid clichés in e-mails. (True/False).
Ans: True

28. E-mails should consist of a meaningful subject line. This helps determine the reader to reply, forward or trash the mail. (True/False).
Ans: True

29. Proofreading is not required for e-mails. (True/False).
Ans: False

30. Fill in the blanks in the following statements:
i) The purpose of the presentation may fall into any of the___ categories; ___.
ii) Every aspect of your presentation should reinforce the ___.
iii) It is important to get some prior information about the ___ and ___.
iv) The ___and ___ of presentation may vary from one type of audience to another.
v) Feeling nervous before a presentation is ___.

i) Three, to inform, analyze or persuade.
ii) Key message.
iii) Audience, locale.
iv) content , style
v) Natural.

31. Which of the following statements are correct?
i) A cursory reading about your topic is enough for a presentation.
ii) The material and information you have selected must be structured coherently and logically.
iii) The key message should be stated at the end of the presentation.
iv) While concluding, one should restate the key message, go over the main points and wrap up logically and effectively.
v) Practice and rehearsal can help you to deal with nerves.

i) Incorrect
ii) Correct
iii) Incorrect
iv) Correct
v) Correct

32. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases:
i) ___ and ___ are powerful motivators and can be used to our ___.
ii) Your ___ is the vehicle for conveying your ___.
iii) Maintaining___ with the audience keeps them involved.
iv) A good speaker should constantly assess the ___of the audience.
v) Audiovisual aids are a___ not a ___ for the speaker.

i) Stress, nerves, advantage.
ii) Voice, message.
iii) eye contact
iv) reaction / response
v) supplement , substitute

33. ___ is a structured meeting with an educational purpose.
Ans: Seminar

34. ___ is called to address a crisis.
Ans: Emergency meetings

35. ___ is a highly structured, moderated meeting, like a presentation, where various participants contribute following a fixed agenda.
Ans: Conference

36. ___ is a gathering called to discuss one subject, such as a work issue or a task related to a project.
Ans: Topical meeting

37. ___ is a regularly scheduled meeting.
Ans: Standing meeting

38. Brainstorming Sessions are also called “Think tank” meetings (True/False).
Ans: True

39. The colloquial term for a ___ is a “dog and pony show.”
Ans: Pitch session

40. You may have to rewrite your resume for every new job you apply for because every job has its own specific requirements. (True or False).
Ans: True.

41. Written symbols represent the thoughts and concepts of human beings. (Correct / Incorrect)
Ans: Incorrect.

42. Writing is meant to be read and deciphered into a coherent meaning. (Correct / Incorrect)
Ans: Correct.

43. Reading is not constrained by time, proximity or place. (Correct / Incorrect)
Ans: Correct.

44. Illiterate people can use all four language skills. (Correct / Incorrect)
Ans: Incorrect.

45. Reading is a complex cognitive activity. (Correct / Incorrect)
Ans: Correct.

46. Reading is a ___ activity.
Ans: purposeful

47. One needs to be ___ and ___ while reading to learn something.
Ans: thorough, focused

48. We do ___ reading when we are looking for some specific information.
Ans: selective

49. Reading for research requires ___ and ___reading.
Ans: careful, analytical

50. While reading for pleasure, you are not under pressure to ___.
Ans: Retain the content.

51. Reading entails ___.
Ans: Active mental involvement of the reader with the text

52. Different purposes require ___.
Ans: Different methods of reading.

53. Scanning is used for ___.
Ans: Finding some specific information.

54. Skimming helps you to get an ___.
Ans: Overview or preview of the written word.

55. Intensive reading is the most ___.
Ans: Focused and slowest type of reading.

56. Employment communication is an important part of the communication process because of ___.
Ans: Global competition.

57. A resume is drafted with an objective to ___ your ___ to ___ employer.
Ans: Highlight, experience, potential.

58. A resume should maintain certain standards. Tick the correct one.
a) Computer friendly and reference check.
b) Extra-curricular activities and heading to be clear.
c) Readable and professional outlook.
d) Tenure, punctuation, line spacing.
Ans: c) Readable and professional outlook.

59. A resume should be written in ___ font and saved in ___ format.
Ans: Times New Roman, word – 2003.

60. A chronological resume differs from a functional resume because it focuses more on ___ rather than skill and ___.
Ans: Education & experience, skill & accomplishment.

61. Every type of resume includes information with respect to age, family and nationality. Name the section which describes it.
Ans: Personal checklist.

62. Reference when given, should be ___ and ___ to the referee before it is included in the resume. It should not contain any names of ___.
Ans: Checked, informed, relative.

63. A cover letter is required to be written to gain ___ of the recruiter.
Ans: Attention.

64. The body of the cover letter describes the employee’s ___ to differ him from other applicants.
Ans: Strong areas.

65. Concluding paragraph is to thank the employer that he has advertised his requirement in the newspaper. (True / False).
Ans: False.

66. Every cover letter has one thing in common. Name it.
Ans: Positive tone and focused.

67. Most organizations have their own recruitment departments with highly competent people who receive appropriate training so that they can make a valid selection decision. (True/False)
Ans: True.

68. An interviewer generally looks for traits in candidates such as ___, ___, ___, ___ and ___.
Ans: Ambitious, focused analytical, commonsense, enthusiasm.

69. In what respect do candidates selected by organizations today differ from the previous years?
Ans: professionalism, dynamic, efficient, competent

70. Interview means ___.
Ans: sight between two people

71. In case an interviewer does not become biased, the questions are asked in a ___ manner.
Ans: structured manner

72. Interviews are stressful for everyone, but sometimes the interviewer deliberately does it on candidates. What do they actually try to find out?
Ans: temperament, attitude

73. The process of the interview involves a formal and friendly atmosphere to find out the candidate‟s drawbacks. (True / False.)
Ans: False

74. Before a candidate goes for an interview, he should have documents such as ___, ___, ___, ___ and ___ ready with him.
Ans: reference papers, merit certificates, covering letter, educational credentials, experience certificates and resumes

75. A job interview needs a ___ and ___ preparation because it helps the candidate to boost up his ___ level.
Ans: systematic, planned, confidence

76. Time management and adaptability are two types of skills. What is the difference between them?
Ans: learned which he already possesses, intuitive which he acquires through training

77. Manners and etiquettes are a necessary part of an interview process because they are important for ___, ___, and projecting ___.
Ans: career, building relationship, professionalism

78. Before appearing for an interview, the candidate should always think ___ and, should say to himself that he will ___.
Ans: positive, succeed

79. Hypothetical questions are asked to find out the ___ of the candidate.
Ans: behaviour

80. Face to face interview is an important process to find out the best candidates who are good___.
Ans: decision-makers

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Communication Skills MCQs

Communication Skills MCQs

1 / 7

___ is an announcement sheet that is sent to a specific group of people.

2 / 7

The agenda is also called ___.

3 / 7

The full form of the abbreviation CEO is

4 / 7

The different kinds of listing are as-

5 / 7

What do you think is necessary to perform a specific job in the desired manner?

6 / 7

The most effective way of communication.

7 / 7

Barriers of written communication can be

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3 thoughts on “Communication Skills Multiple Choice Questions and Answers”

  1. Nafeesa Aripin

    I have obtained more learnings about Communication skills, thank you for this valuable presentation, Ma’am Nora!

  2. Tubato, Keyce

    Communication is very important and essential to us humans because communication is the key in everything. Let’s practice ourselves to a good communicator. This activity helps every students on how to communicate well.

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