Basics of Information Technology MCQ with Answers

Q76. The currently selected picture appears large in the center of the windows
(a) tiles view
(b) filmstrip view
(c) thumbnails view
(d) list view
Answer: (B)

Q77. During specifying search types different file searches can be performed
(a) Digital media
(b) documents
(c) all files and folders
(d) all of the above
Answer: (D)

Q78. The following kind of deletions does not go to the recycle bin:
(a) files stored on removable disks
(b) files stored on networks drives
(c) files deleted from compressed (zipped) folders
(d) All are true
Answer: (D)

Q79. A search for all files and folders has characteristics like:
(a) searches all local hard disks
(b) searches common folders
(c) searches recycle bin
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q80. Windows media player plays sound and video files in a wide variety of formats
(a) audio formats
(b) digital formats
(c) video formats
(d) audio and video streamed from internet sites
Answer: (D)

Q81. BMO, JPG, TIF, and PNG all are formats of
(a) Picture
(b) Image
(c) Document file
(d) All are true
Answer: (B)

Q82. Microsoft Windows XP uses encryption techniques for several purposes
(a) Encryption files on an NTFS volume
(b) Encrypting or signing e-mail messages
(c) Encrypting data sent between a web browser and a server using SSL
(d) All are true
Answer: (D)

Q83. Echo.
(a) displays a message on the screen
(b) displays a blank line on the screen
(c) identifies a msg as a comment
(d) none of the above is true
Answer: (B)

Q84. The file-sharing interface initially makes all the files in the user profile
(a) my documents
(b) desktop and favorite
(c) start menu
(d) All of the above
Answer: (D)

Q85. Protection applies to
(a) files
(b) folders
(c) subfolders
(d) all of the above
Answer: (D)

Q86. IIS software allows hosting web and FTP sites in
(a) Windows XP
(b) Windows Millennium
(c) Windows 95
(d) none of the above
Answer: (A)

Q87. The version of IIS included with windows XP professional let us create only one website and one FTP site, and it allows a maximum of ___ simultaneous TCP connections
(a) 12
(b) 22
(c) 10
(d) 16
Answer: (C)

Q88. Internet information services provide a web server
(a) FTP
(b) SMTP
(c) XP
(d) All are true
Answer: (D)

Q89. A ___ which tells the network how to distinguish between IP addresses that are part of the same network and those that belong to other networks?
(a) subnet mask
(b) default gateway
(c) none is true
(d) all are true
Answer: (A)

Q90. DNS servers are computers that translate the domain name into
(a) address
(b) IP address
(c) domain address
(d) dynamic address
Answer: (B)

Basic Information Technology Quiz

Test your knowledge of the latest trends in technology, from cloud computing and cybersecurity to artificial intelligence and blockchain. With this quiz, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of the basics of IT and become more confident in your ability to use the tools in your workplace. So, get ready to challenge your mind and sharpen your skills with this exciting quiz!

Created on By Sofia Islam

Basic of Information Technology Quiz

Welcome to the world of Information Technology quiz with Eguardian India! Are you ready to test your knowledge on IT fundamentals? Take our Basic of Information Technology quiz and find out how well you understand this ever-evolving field. With this quiz, you'll gain a better understanding of the concepts, terminology, and tools needed to stay ahead of the curve. So, take a few minutes to challenge yourself and prepare for the future of IT.

1 / 25

How many bits are there in 1 byte?

2 / 25

The function  is to translate the ___ instructions into machine code.

3 / 25

Where do we need to click in the dialog box that appears, when we press Ctrl+ N?

4 / 25

Acc. to rules of binary multiplication what is 1* 0 =

5 / 25

According to rules of binary addition what is 0+1=

6 / 25

The process of loading the operating system from the secondary memory to primary memory is called as-

7 / 25

LINUX is a-

8 / 25

C++ is a –

9 / 25

How many megabytes are there in 1GB?

10 / 25

How many bytes are there in 1KB?

11 / 25

The actual appearance of the document to be printed is shown in the -

12 / 25

Mouse is a-

13 / 25

MS-PowerPoint is a-

14 / 25

What is the full form of RAM?

15 / 25

The Operating system is a-

16 / 25

The last row number of the excel spreadsheet is –

17 / 25

The current cell is an MS-Excel will be –

18 / 25

When a file is deleted, where does it get transferred?

19 / 25

A formula begins with the ___ sign.

20 / 25

Where is the name of the file displayed in a window?

21 / 25

Who is the first lady computer performer?

22 / 25

What is the Logic Proposed by English mathematician George Bool?

23 / 25

This is a first-generation computer.

24 / 25

Laptops are also known as-

25 / 25

Where are all the tools displayed in a window?

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Computer Fundamentals MCQ Questions and Answers Quiz


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