Basics of Information Technology MCQ with Answers

Q26. Advantages of Low-level languages are
(a) processing speed is high because it is one to tone language
(b) translation of the program is not required
(c) it occupies less memory space
(d) all of the above
Answer: (D)

Q27. Assembler converts the
(a) high-level language into a low-level language
(b) assembly language into machine language
(c) low-level language into a high-level language
(d) all of the above
Answer: (B)

Q28. Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, basic, and lisp all are the examples of
(a) high-level language
(b) low-level language
(c) assembly language
(d) all are true
Answer: (A)

Q29. Examples of the loader are
(a) bootstrap loader
(b) absolute loader
(c) reloadable loader
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q30. Types of the linker are
(a) all of the below
(b) dynamic linker
(c) linkage editor
(d) linking loader
Answer: (A)

Q31. The function of O.S. is
(a) memory mgmt
(b) device mgmt and file mgmt
(c) 1 and 2 are true
(d) none of the above
Answer: (C)

Q32 Flexibility, integrity, adaptability, and convenience are
(a) goals of os
(b) objectives of os
(c) functions of os
(d) examples of os
Answer: (A)

Q33. Programming language comes under
(a) hardware
(b) software
(c) utility software
(d) application software
Answer: (B)

Q34. The functional categories of 4GL are
(a) decision support tools
(b) report generators and code generators
(c) retrieval and update languages
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q35. The operating system is the part of
(a) application software
(b) high-level language
(c) system software
(d) all are true
Answer: (C)

Q36. WP, DBMS, and ESS all are the examples of
(a) software Utilities
(b) application software
(c) system software
(d) none is true
Answer: (A)

Q37. Compiler, interpreter, assembler, loader, linker, and editor all are
(a) software Utilities
(b) application software
(c) system software
(d) none is true
Answer: (B)

Q38. Dos and Unix are the examples of
(a) software Utilities
(b) application software
(c) Integrated system software
(d) none is true
Answer: (C)

Q39. Windows XP home edition and Windows XP professional are versions of
(a) Windows NT
(b) Windows XP
(c) Windows 95
(d) all are true
Answer: (B)

Q40. Features of Windows XP are
(a) Robust system protection tools and security features
(b) start menu improvements, 3D windows, and buttons
(c) friendly welcome screen and device driver rollback
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q41. Characteristics of Windows XP is
(a) Tightly integrated security
(b) protected memory
(c) robust and reliable
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q42. The redesigned Windows XP start menu uses ___ columns
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) many
Answer: (B)

Q43. ___ cannot be upgraded to any version of Windows XP
(a) Windows NT
(b) Windows Millennium
(c) windows 95
(d) none is true
Answer: (C)

Q44. WPA stands for
(a) Windows product access
(b) Windows Product Activation
(c) Windows periodically access
(d) all are true
Answer: (B)

Q45. SID stands for
(a) Security ID
(b) secure identification code
(c) several identification codes
(d) none is true
Answer: (A)

Q46. User/administrator and guest accounts all are created to provide
(a) access rights
(b) permissions and rights
(c) privileges
(d) all are true
Answer: (B)

Q47. A user profile includes the following folders
(a) cookies
(b) desktop and favorites
(c) temporary internet files
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q48. Windows XP Professional supports
(a) local user profiles
(b) Roaming user profiles
(c) mandatory user profiles
(d) all are true
Answer: (D)

Q49. User accounts allow to change the password or remove the password
(a) True
(b) False
Answer: (A)

Q50.To add the account to other groups use
(a) Local users and groups
(b) net Local group command
(c) both a and b
(d) none is true
Answer: (C)

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  1. Manish Kashi says:

    I want to know this question

  2. Very nice mcq question

    1. Shubham Patil says:

      Nice MCQ Question ❤️👌🏻👍

  3. Shravani chavan says:

    Very nice mcq question

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