Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2005 – 2006

Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2005 – 2006

If you are a student of AMU class 9th and in search of previous question banks from the sessions of 2005 and 2006, then look no further! This article aims to provide you with the Quiz of AMU class 9th previous question bank specifically for those two sessions.

As an educational resource, these question banks can be immensely helpful in preparing for exams and gaining a better understanding of the subjects covered during those years. So, whether you want to revise for upcoming tests or simply enhance your knowledge, this article is designed to cater to your needs.

Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank Session 2005 – 2006

Quiz for AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2005 – 2006


Quiz AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2005 – 2006

1 / 125

How many types the sentences are

2 / 125

The sentence ''what a nice day" ends with

3 / 125

The plural of CHURCH is

4 / 125

The plural of DUTY is

5 / 125

Which of the following is possessive case

6 / 125

The personal pronoun “yours” is used for.

7 / 125

“All men are mortal” in this sentence ‘all’ is an adjective of.

8 / 125

Forward; is an adverb of

9 / 125

The train arrived . . . . . . the station . . . . . . . time

10 / 125

The letter was written . . . . red ink

11 / 125

Find the book. . . . . . . . you will be punished

12 / 125

Chennai has .......... university that is well known

13 / 125

A  sofa is . . . . . . . . than chair

14 / 125

There are too . . . . . poor people in India

15 / 125

The superlative degree of LATE is

16 / 125

The passive form of ‘who teaches you Maths? is

17 / 125

The direct from of (He said that the boys had been pelting stones at the beggar) is

18 / 125

The people . . . . . . take the law seriously.

19 / 125

The suitable prefix for the word DECENT is

20 / 125

The suitable prefix for the word VIOLENCE is

21 / 125

He as well as she . . . . . . . home.

22 / 125

You must have trust . . . . . . . . God.

23 / 125

Neither of two men. . . . . . . . . very strong

24 / 125

The jury . . . . . . . divided in their opining

25 / 125

He is the . . . . . . . boy in class.

26 / 125

The portion of the shadow which is completed dark is called

27 / 125

Which are the primary colours of light?

28 / 125

Which of the following light bends most?

29 / 125

In barometer, mercury is used to measure the

30 / 125

A simple solar cell consists of a water of

31 / 125

Electricity generated from water is known as

32 / 125

What is the estimated age of the sun?

33 / 125

A camera has a. .........lens in it

34 / 125

Pencil lead is made from

35 / 125

Graphite is found in

36 / 125

Coal gas is a mixture of

37 / 125

Which of the following are rocks?

38 / 125

The metal more reactive than copper is

39 / 125

Polymers consist of

40 / 125

The natural polymers is

41 / 125

CNG is

42 / 125

The bacteria that require oxygen for their growth are called

43 / 125

Fungi consist which of the following main group of the organism?

44 / 125

Which crop was grown by carlies man?

45 / 125

The main part of the diet is

46 / 125

The eggshell is made of

47 / 125

Cotton fibres are related to

48 / 125

Desert Plant more likely to have

49 / 125

To protect forest it is necessary to conserve

50 / 125

Which of the following is a renewable resource?

51 / 125

' रवि +इंद्र ' की संधि से बनेगा।

52 / 125

श्रीमान की स्त्रीलिंग होगा।

53 / 125

गुफ़्तुगु शब्द का अर्थ होता है।

54 / 125

अपमान का पर्यायवाची शब्द कौंन सा नहीं है।

55 / 125

पाजी शब्द का विलोम होगा

56 / 125

निम्नलिखित में कौन सा शब्द 'फूल ' का पर्यायवाची नहीं है।

57 / 125

बुतपरस्त में कौन सा समास है।

58 / 125

'मैं अब आराम करूँगा' में कर्ता कारक क्या है।

59 / 125

संज्ञा के स्थान पर जो शब्द बोला जाता है उसे कहते है।

60 / 125

भारत में राजनितिक दृस्टीकोण से कौन सी प्रणाली प्रचलित है।

61 / 125

आसुरी का अर्थ है।

62 / 125

रहीम हिंदी में प्रसिध्द है।

63 / 125

वर्तनी की दृष्टि  से कौन शब्द शुध्द लिखा है।

64 / 125

जिसका उत्साह नष्ट हो गया हो उसे एक शब्द में कहेंगे।

65 / 125

व्याकरण के ज्ञाता को कहा जाता है।

66 / 125

शुद्ध शब्द छाटिये।

67 / 125

चन्द्रमा का समानार्थक शब्द कौन सा है।

68 / 125

'प्रकाश' का विलोम क्या है।

69 / 125

जिसका आचरण अच्छा हो उसे कहेंगे।

70 / 125

अंतिम मुग़ल सम्राट का नाम था।

71 / 125

मातृभूमि शब्द में कौन सा समास है।

72 / 125

'अस्तबल' किसकी रहने की जगह है।

73 / 125

इनमें से सर्वनाम कौन सा है।

74 / 125

हरफन मौला का मतलब क्या होता है।

75 / 125

जिसकी पत्नी मर गई हो उसे कहते है।

76 / 125

Which one are the Pythagorean triplets?

77 / 125

The square root of 4  is

78 / 125

The least number in which 180 must be multiplied so that it becomes a perfect square

79 / 125

The smallest positive number by which 675 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect cube

80 / 125

If the volume of a cube is 512 cubic meters, then the length of the side of the cube is

81 / 125

Which of the following is not a rational number?

82 / 125

A least odd natural number is

83 / 125

The value of

84 / 125

The solution of the equation 

85 / 125

At what rate, percent compound interest per annum will Rs. 640 amounts to Rs. 7.74.40 in 2 years.

86 / 125

In what time will Rs. 1331 at 10% per annum, compound interest?

87 / 125

The price of 9% share with face value Rs. 100, that gives 12% income is

88 / 125

The whole amount of debt needed by the company is divided into equal small units, called

89 / 125

Money is withdrawn from a bank through

90 / 125

Operating a bank account means.

91 / 125

Each angle of a complementary set of angles must be

92 / 125

Longest chord of a circle is equal to

93 / 125

If all the sides of a parallelogram touch a circle then it is a

94 / 125

A cyclic parallelogram is a

95 / 125

A point A is 13cm from the centre of a circle. The length of the tangent drawn from A to the circle is 12cm. The radius of the circle is

96 / 125

Find the area of a square, whose length of diagonal is 2.9m

97 / 125

If the midpoint of the side of a quadrilateral are joint them, the figure formed is a

98 / 125

The angle subtended at the centre of a radius 18cm by an arc 16.5cm long is

99 / 125

Difference between the upper limit and lower limit of any class interval is called

100 / 125

The average score of each player is

101 / 125

علامہ اقبال نے کون سی نظم لکھی ہے؟

102 / 125

آثارالصناد ید کا موضوع کیا ہے؟

103 / 125

قواعد کی رو سے معصوم  کیا ہے؟

104 / 125

ہلال سے کیا مراد ہے؟

105 / 125

اجنتا کے غار کہاں واقف ہے؟

106 / 125

سنگ تراش قواعد کی رو کیا ہے؟

107 / 125

لکھنو شہر کس ندی کے کنارے واقع ہے؟

108 / 125

لکشمی بای کہا کی رانی تھیں؟

109 / 125

نوبل پراز کس کے نام پر دیا جاتا ہے؟

110 / 125

کشمیر کا شا لیمارباع کون بنوایا تھا؟

111 / 125

اشفاق اللہ خاں کون تھے؟

112 / 125

بھٹکے ہوے کو راستہ دکھا نے والے ہیں؟

113 / 125

 نظم یں ایک جیسی آواز اور حرف پر ختم ہنے والے الفاظ کہلاتے ہیں

114 / 125

مشہور چینی سیاح کب ہندوستان آیا تھا؟

115 / 125

 ٹیپوسلطان کا پورا نام کیا تھا؟

116 / 125

اسم کے بجایے جو لفظ استعمال ہوتا ہے اسے کہتے ہیں

117 / 125

مسلم  یونییورسٹی کا پرانا نام بتاے؟

118 / 125

شخص کا جمع کیا ہے

119 / 125

اشوک کی راجدھانی کا نام کیا تھا؟

120 / 125

سائل سے کیا مراد ہے؟

121 / 125

دہلی کس ندی کے کنارہ آباد ہے؟

122 / 125

 پیچ وتاب کھانا سے مطلب ہے؟

123 / 125

علی گڑھ  میں کون سا ادارہ  حکیم اجمل خاں کے نام سے ہے؟

124 / 125

دفاع سے کیا مراد ہے؟

125 / 125

دنیا کا سب سے بڑا براعظم کونسا ہے؟

Your score is

The average score is 0%


QUIZZES FOR 9TH CLASS AMU ENTRANCE TEST (Click on any below link to start Quiz)

  1. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2018 – 2019
  2. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2017 – 2018
  3. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2016 – 2017
  4. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2015 – 2016
  5. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2014 – 2015
  6. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2013 – 2014
  7. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2012 – 2013
  8. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2011 – 2012
  9. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2010 – 2011
  10. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2009 – 2010
  11. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2008 – 2009
  12. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2006 – 2007
  13. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2005 – 2006
  14. Quiz AMU class 9th : Session 2002 – 2003


The Quiz of AMU class 9th previous question bank: Session 2005-2006 provides an invaluable resource for students preparing for their exams. With a wide range of questions covering various subjects, this question bank allows students to test their knowledge and identify areas that need improvement.

By utilizing this resource, students can enhance their understanding and performance in exams. Whether it is revising concepts or practicing problem-solving skills, the Quiz of AMU class 9th previous question bank is a must-have study tool. So, don’t miss out on this opportunity and share this valuable resource with your peers on social media today!

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