Advanced Database Management System MCQ with Answers. Advanced DBMS MCQ questions are very useful for the preparation for MCA, BCA, MSC IT, BSC IT, GATE, NET, and other Academic and Competitive Exams.
72 Advanced Database Management System MCQ with Answers.
1. What is a repository of data, intended to assist proficient storage of data, retrieval and preservation called?
c. Database
Answer: (C)
2. DBMS can provide the simultaneous implementation of different portions of the database. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
3. For sharing data among clients, the most frequent way is the creation of two-tier client/server databases. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
4. An application program comprises two components, one being the GUI. Name the other component.
a) Presentation logic
b) Business logic
c) Message logic
d) User interface logic
Answer: (B)
5. The requirements of information from various branches as well as divisions are successfully supported by a ___ database.
Answer: (Enterprise)
6. In a ___ schema, we organize data into a structure that appears as a tree.
Answer: (Hierarchical schema)
7. Network schema provides permission for only 1:1 relationships. (True/False)
Answer: (F)
8. In the case of relational schema, every tuple is separated into fields which we call ___.
Answer: (Domains)
9. Which of the following is not considered a logical structure of the database?
a) Tree
b) Relational
c) Network
d) Chain
Answer: (D)
10. Relational model makes use of some unknown terminology. A tuple is said to be equal to a ___.
Answer: (Network)
11. Logical data structure having a 1:M relationship is considered as a:
a) Network
b) Tree
c) Chain
d) Relation
Answer: (B)
12. It is easy to preserve and update the ___ database
Answer: (Centralized)
13. In the case of distributed database, data is handled by numerous servers. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
15. QBE stands for ___.
Answer: (Query by example)
16. Domain integrity is also called ‘___’ integrity.
Answer: (Attribute)
17. There are two types of DROP commands: CASCADE and RISTRICT (True/False)
Answer: (T)
18. ___ command helps for the creation of SQL relations.
Answer: (Create)
19. With the help of WHERE and ___ commands it is possible to embed a SQL statement into another.
Answer: (HAVING)
20. It is not possible to query multiple relations in SQL.
Answer: (F)
21. A ___ is a subschema in which logical tables are generated from more than one base table.
Answer: (View)
22. During the query execution contents are taken from other tables. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
23. To recognize embedded SQL requests to the pre-processor, we use the ___ statement.
Answer: (EXEC SQL)
24. It is a good practice to append a colon before the host variables to differentiate them from other variables used in SQL. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
25. SQL offers ___ statements that make easy the process of concurrent transaction control.
Answer: (Two)
26. In transaction processing, the integrity rules of a database are maintained by ___ property.
Answer: (Consistency)
27. ___ permits to create and submit SQL queries dynamically or run time
a) Miscellaneous SQL
b) Dynamic SQL
c) Data Definition Language
d) SQL Preprocessor
Answer: (B)
28. Using dynamic SQL, programs cannot create SQL queries as strings at run time.
Answer: (F)
29. SQL is supported by RDBMS. (True/False)
Answer: (F)
30. SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE commands are used by ___ to modify the data.
Answer: (DML)
31. Decomposition helps to reduce data redundancy. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
32. Functional dependencies can be used to refine the ___.
Answer: (Schema)
33. Which of the following is preferred when there is a disagreement between data items in a database?
a) Redundancy
b) Inconsistency
c) Anomaly
d) Normalisation
Answer: (B)
34. When the data values are stored repeatedly in multiple copies in the database, it is known as ___.
Answer: (Redundancy)
35. How does Normalisation help?
a) By eliminating various database anomalies
b) By minimizing redundancy
c) By eliminating data inconsistency
d) All of the above
Answer: (D)
36. An attribute (column) is said to be ___ if its value can be determined by anyone or more attributes of the primary key, but not all.
Answer: (Partially dependent)
37. A table that is in ___ normal form may contain redundancies due to transitive dependencies.
Answer: (Second)
38. The Fifth Normal form is usually useful when we have large relational data models. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
39. The join dependency is a more generalized form of ___ dependency.
Answer: (Multi-valued)
40. An FD is a special case of an MVD and every FD is an MVD. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
41. The fifth normal form is also called ___.
Answer: (Project-Join Normal Form (PJNF))
42. From a ___ point of view, it is standard to have tables that are in the Third Normal Form.
Answer: (Rational model)
43. According to relational database rules, a completely normalized database always has the best performance. (True/False).
Answer: (F)
44. Denormalisation is done to increase the performance of the database. (True/False).
Answer: (T)
45. Denormalisation is a technique to move from higher to lesser normal forms of database modelling in order to get faster access to the database.
Answer: (T)
46. ___ splits tables by rows, thus reducing the number of records per table.
Answer: (Horizontal Fragmentation)
47. SQL commands define the actions to be taken to control ___.
Answer: (Transaction Execution)
48. ___ is formed with the combination of PK and FK.
Answer: (Referential Integrity)
49. ___ may be avoided if an appropriate index exists to allow ordered access to the records.
Answer: (Sorting)
50. Relations are said to be Union compatible if they have the same ___ and that from the same domain.
Answer: (Attributes)
51. MQO (Multi Query Optimisation) saves the evaluation cost and execution time by executing the common operations once over a set of queries (True/False)
Answer: (T)
52. ___ relies on nested loop joins for implementation.
Answer: (Navigational strategies)
53. ___ works reversely it starts with the subquery first and after that executes the outer query.
Answer: (Reverse lookup)
54. It is required to validate update operations against stated relational database constraints (True/False)
Answer: (T)
55. ___ is defined as a set of rows that encode the changes made to a specific base table.
Answer: (Delta stream)
56. ___ represents a relational calculus expression.
Answer: (Query graph)
57. The query graph representation also indicates an order in which operations perform first. (True/False).
Answer: (F)
58. Semantic query optimisation helps inefficient query ___ by modifying one query into another.
Answer: (Execution)
59. Relational database constraints are used in semantic query optimization techniques. (True/False)
Answer: (T)
60. The key to achieving good stream processing performance is to optimise ___ together.
Answer: (Multiple queries)
61. The system knows the blocks containing the tuples of R, and it is not possible to get the blocks one by one.
Answer: (F)
62. We can use the index not only to get all the tuples of the relation it indexes but also ___.
Answer: (Secondary)
63. It is an open function that initiates the process of getting tuples, but it does not get a tuple.
Answer: (T)
64. The selection of an algorithm for each operator is one of the most fundamental elements of the process of transformation of a logical query plan into a physical query plan.
Answer: (T)
65. Tuple-at-a-time, unary operations require neither ___ nor ___.
Answer: (F)
66. ___ joins can be used for relations of any size. One relation does not need to necessarily fit in the main memory.
Answer: (Nested-loop)
67. Nested-loop does not allow us to avoid storing intermediate relations on disk in some situations.
Answer: (F)
68. In ___ algorithms, data is read into the main memory from the operand relations.
Answer: (merged)
69. In the second pass, all the sorted sublists are ___.
Answer: (Two-pass)
70. If there are M buffers available and we can pick M as the number of buckets, we can gain a factor of M in the size of the relations that we can handle.
Answer: (T)
71. The essential idea behind all hash-based algorithms is ___.
Answer: (Last)
72. The existence of an index on one or more attributes of relation makes available some algorithms that ___.
Answer: (Non-clustering)
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