Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms MCQs

Advanced data structure are a specific type of data structure that is more complicated and detailed than basic data structures. They are used to organize and store data in a more efficient way. There are many different types of advanced data structures, but some of the most common ones include arrays, stacks, queues, and linked lists.

These MCQ questions of Advanced Data Structure are very useful for the preparation of academic and competitive exams like SSC CGL, IBPS (Clerk & PO), BCA, MCA, UPSC, CA, CS, CMA, CPA, CFA, NET, Banking, and other IT & accounts departments.

Advanced Data Structure

About Advanced data structures

Advanced data structures are data structures that are more complex and efficient than traditional data structures. They are used to solve complex problems more quickly than traditional data structures. Examples of advanced data structures include B-trees, red-black trees, skip lists, hash tables, and heaps. These data structures are often used in computer science and engineering fields for various applications.

70 Advanced Data Structure MCQs

1. ___ is used in dividing the larger problems into subproblems.
Answer: Modularity

2. The data structure which contains the hierarchical relationship between various elements is called a ___.
Answer: Tree

3. Insertion and deletion of elements in the queue are done in ___ and ___ ends respectively.
Answer: Rear and Front

4. ___ is called a list of the finite number of elements of similar data types.
Answer: Array

5. ___ is used in finding the location of the record with the given key value.
Answer: Searching

6. The ___ of the algorithm is depending on the time and space it uses.
Answer: Efficiency

7. ___ is used in combining the records in two different files into a single file.
Answer: Merging

8. ___ is a linear collection of nodes.
Answer: Linked list

9. ___ and ___ are the two fields of the linked list.
Answer: Data and Link fields

10. Processing each node of the linked list exactly once is called ___.
Answer: Traversing

11. Stack allows insertion and deletion at one end called ___.
Answer: Top

12. Insertion and deletion of elements from the stack are performed with ___ and ___ operations.
Answer: Push and pop

13. Before every insertion into the stack ___ condition need to be checked.

14. P+Q and (X+Y)* Z is the ___ expression.
Answer: Infix

15. Addition is having higher precedence than the Multiplication state. True/False.
Answer: False

16. Specify the method for deleting an element from the queue ___.
Answer: Dequeue

17. ___ and ___ are the two pointers used in the queue.
Answer: FRONT and REAR

18. New node can be availed from ___ list while inserting a new element into the queue.
Answer: AVAIL

19. ___ is used to find the location of an item in a linked list.
Answer: Searching

20. ___ is used to store unused memory cells.
Answer: Free- storage list

21. Tree is a non-linear data structure state. True/False
Answer: True

22. List of nodes belonging to the same parent is called ___.
Answer: Siblings

23. Tree with only the left subtree is called ___.
Answer: Left skewed tree

24. ___ order traversal follows the pattern as root, left, right.
Answer: Preorder

25. In an array representation of a binary tree the right child of the root will be at the location at ___.
Answer: 3

26. In a complete binary tree right child of a node can be identified by ___.
Answer: 2*i+1

27. Breadth-first traversal otherwise called ___.
Answer: Level order traversal

28. Linked representation of a tree facilitates the efficiency of memory. True/False.
Answer: True

29. Conversion of the tree to the binary tree makes the tree ___.
Answer: Improper

30. Incomplete tree is very efficient in memory management. (True/False)
Answer: False

31. ___ is used to denote the leaf node representation as 1 in preorder sequential representation.
Answer: TAG

32. ___ and ___ are the vectors used for postorder sequential representation.
Answer: POST and DEGREE

33. A graph containing only isolated vertices is called ___. (Pick the right option)
a) isolated graph
b) null graph
c) directed graph
d) multigraph
Answer: b) – null graph

34. In a directed graph, the ___ of a vertex v is the number edges of leaving v, and its ___ is the number of edges ending at v. (Pick the right option)
a) in-degree, out-degree b) out-degree, in-degree
c) degree, edges d) edges, degree
Answer: b) Out-degree, In-degree

35. In the adjacency matrix, ‘1’ is marked in a cell if there exists an edge between two nodes that index that cell. (True/false)
Answer: True

36. A null graph consists of V vertices but no edges, then the adjacency matrix has all of its entire elements as___.
Answer: zero)

37. In the incidence matrix, If the kth edge is (vi, vj ) then the kth column has a value ___ in the ith row, ___ in the jth row, and ___ elsewhere.
a) 1,-1,0
b) -1,1,0
c) 0,1,-1
d) 0,-1,1
Answer: a) 1,-1,0

38. For the adjacency list the number of distinct unordered pairs (vi, vj) with vi,≠ vj in a graph with n vertices is___.
Answer: n (n-1)/2

39. Pick the right option
The three properties associated with list structures are:
a) Order, depth, length
b) Degree, vertices, edges
c) Atom, element, list
d) Cost, weight, data
Answer: a) order, depth, length

40. In-Depth First search the same node is visited more than once. (True/False)
Answer: False

41. Breadth-first search algorithm uses a ___ data structure to perform the search. (Pick the right option)
a) Tree
b) Linked-list
c) Queue
d) Hashes
Answer: c) Queue

42. A spanning tree is known as a spanning forest if the graph is undirected and connected. (True/False)
Answer: False

43. If the graph is not connected in the spanning tree, then it is known as ___.
Answer: spanning forest

44. ___ technique is used to collect all the free cells and store that in the free pool.
Answer: Garbage Collection

45. ___ and ___ are the types of linked lists.
Answer: Doubly and Circular linked list

46. Doubly linked lists are also called ___.
Answer: Two- way list

47. Nodes do not have any clear parent-child relationship like in the tree. (True/False)
Answer: True

48. In an undirected graph, edge (v1,v2) is equivalent to edge ___ since they are unassigned.
Answer: (v2,v1)

49. A directed graph is also referred to as an ___.
Answer: Oriented Graph

50. The number of edges incident out of a vertex v is called the ___.
Answer: Out-Degree

51. DAGs may have more than one possible topological order. (True/False)
Answer: True

52. Descriptor’s successor must appear after that descriptor in ___ ordering for topological sort.
a) linear
b) alphabetical
c) random
d) unique
Answer: a) linear

53. Dijkstra’s algorithm can be applied to an unweighted directed graph. (True/False)
Answer: False

54. In Dijkstra’s algorithm, ___ is assigned to each vertex.
a) weight
b) length
c) cost
d) labels
Answer: d) labels

55. Minimum spanning tree is always unique. (True/False)
Answer: False

56. Minimum spanning tree is a graph with weight ___ than or ___ to the weight of every other spanning tree. (Pick the right option)
a) less, greater
b) less, equal
c) greater, equal
d) greater, always greater
Answer: b) less, equal

57. Prim’s minimum spanning tree algorithm is known as ___ style algorithm.
a) greedy
b) unique
c) linear
d) sparse
Answer: a) greedy

58. There are certain polynomial-time algorithms that can be considered tractable. (True/False)
Answer: True

59. If the solution is found to minimize or maximize a given value, then such types of problems are ___ problems.
Answer: optimization

60. An algorithm that returns near-optimal solutions (in polynomial time) is called the ___ algorithm.
Answer: Approximation

61. A problem is NP-hard if an algorithm to solve it in (deterministic) polynomial time would make it possible to solve all ___ problems in polynomial time. (Pick the right option)
a) decision
b) non-deterministic
c) NP
d) optimization
Answer: c) NP

62. Identify the algorithm given below:
For k = 0 to n-1
MIN⇓ k
For m = k + 1 to n
if (A[m] < A[k]
MIN⇓ m
End if
Swap(A[m], A[k]); // swap min to front
Answer: selection sort

63. A vertex v is said to be an isolated vertex if the out-degree of v and the in-degree of v are equal to ___.
Answer: Zero

64. Let X be a set, and R a relation on X. The relation R is said to be ___ if a, b, c ∈ R, aRb, bRc ⇒ aRc.
Answer: Transitive

65. Each maximal connected subgraph of a digraph D, is said to be a ___ of D
Answer: Component

66. A closed-directed walk which traverses every edge of D exactly once, is called a ___.
Answer: Directed Euler line

67. A tree of n vertices contains ___ edges.
Answer: n – 1

68. Let D be a digraph with p vertices. The adjacency matrix of D is a ___ matrix
Answer: pxp

69. Sorting is the process of arranging the content in some order based on ___ criterion.
Answer: ordering

70. Merge sort uses ___ technique to sort the elements.
Answer: divide-and-conquer

You may read more about the MCQ of Advance Data Structure here

Advanced data structures and algorithms MCQ Quiz

We have compiled an extensive collection of quizzes and questions to test your knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, our comprehensive library of questions will help you to increase your mastery of the subject. Get ready to get tested and push your knowledge to the next level!

Created on By Sofia Islam

Advanced data structures and algorithms Quiz

Welcome to the world of Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers by Eguardian India! If you’re a computer science or engineering student, or a software engineer, who wants to gain expertise in advanced data structures and algorithms, then this is the right place for you.

Through this quiz, you can test your knowledge and understanding of various algorithms and data structures, and gain a better understanding of the concepts. So, are you ready to take the Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Quiz? Let’s get started!

1 / 25

ISAM stands for:

2 / 25

Which one is not a representation of a graph?

3 / 25

Extra space in each record is kept for this collision processing method

4 / 25

Sorting is not possible by using which of the following methods?

5 / 25

A binary tree with 20 nodes has null branches?

6 / 25

In tree construction, which is the suitable efficient data structure?

7 / 25

How many different trees are possible with 10 nodes?

8 / 25

Assign and add are ___ statements.

9 / 25

Selection statement evaluates ___.

10 / 25

Selection statement evaluates ___.

11 / 25

The opposite of atomic data is?

12 / 25

An array is a ___ sequence.

13 / 25

The generalization of operations with unspecified implementations is known as___.

14 / 25

What is used to call a sequence of character?

15 / 25

A linear collection of data elements where the linear node is given by means of pointer is called____.

16 / 25

Indexing is also called ___.

17 / 25

The total number of comparisons in bubble sort is?

18 / 25

In Linked List there are no NULL link in?

19 / 25

A tree is height-balanced if the heights of the left and right sub tree’s of each node are within?

20 / 25

The nth element from the top of the stack S is accessible as:

21 / 25

A node n is adjacent to a node m if there is an arc from

22 / 25

A stack cannot be used to

23 / 25

Which of the following is a hash function?

24 / 25

An adjacency matrix representation of a graph cannot contain information of:

25 / 25

What is non-FIFO implementation of Queues called?

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Q1. What are advanced data structures and algorithms?
A1. Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms is a course designed to help students understand and apply powerful data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems. It covers topics such as graph algorithms, dynamic programming, sorting algorithms, string algorithms, and more.

Q2. What topics will I learn in Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms?
A2. You will learn a wide range of topics, including graph algorithms, dynamic programming, sorting algorithms, string algorithms, data structures for distributed systems, and more.

Q3. What skills will I gain from advanced data structures and algorithms?
A3. You will gain an understanding of how to apply data structures and algorithms to real-world problems. You will also gain a stronger understanding of problem-solving and be able to develop better coding skills.

Q4. Are advanced data structures and algorithms suitable for beginners?
A4. Yes, the course is designed with beginners in mind. It provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms.

Q5. What do I need to know to take Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms?
A5. To take Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, you should have an understanding of basic data structures and algorithms, such as linked lists, trees, hash tables, and basic sorting algorithms. Additionally, you should have some experience with programming languages such as C/C++, Java, or Python.

Q6. What are the prerequisites for taking Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms?
A6. To take Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, you should have an understanding of basic data structures and algorithms, such as linked lists, trees, hash tables, and basic sorting algorithms. Additionally, you should have some experience with programming languages such as C/C++, Java, or Python.

Q7. Where can I find more information about advanced data structures and algorithms?
A7. You can find more information about Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms on the course website and in textbooks such as “Data Structures and Algorithms in Java” by Robert Lafore and “Algorithms” by Thomas Cormen.


Practicing with Advanced Data Structure MCQ sample papers can help you prepare for the actual examination. The questions in these papers are designed to test your understanding of the concepts and help you identify any areas that you need to focus on. So, try to answer as many questions as possible, and don’t forget to use the answer key at the end to check your answers. Good luck!

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